NYX tame & frame tinted brow pomade

септембар 05, 2018

Moj proizvod godine i definitivno moje otkrice sto se tice proizvoda za obrve jeste ova NYX tame & frame pomada.Dugo sam koristila klasicne olovke za obrve,ali mi nisu davale izgled kakav sam zelela.Inace imam guste obrve te im je sasvim malo pomade sasvim dovoljno da izgledaju savrseno.U nastavku posta procitajte detaljnu recenziju,  utiske i zasto me je ova NYX pomada tako puno iznenadila.

My product of the year and definitely my discovery about the brow product is this NYX tame & frame pomade. I used to classic brow pencil , but they did not give me the look I wanted. I have dense eyebrows and it's just a little pomade enough to they look perfect. In the continuation of the post, read a detailed review, impressions, and why this NYX made me so surprised.

 NYX tame & frame tinted brow pomade

Pomada se nalazi u lepoj i kvalitetnoj teglici.Sadrzi 5 g proizvoda.Moja pomada je u nijansi 03 Brunette divna pepeljasto smedja nijansa.Odlicno odgovara mojoj boji obrva kao i kose.Postoje jos 4 nijanse i verujem da ce svako naci svoju nijansu.Cena ove pomade je 850 RSD i moze se naci u svakoj Alexandar cosmetics radnji kao i na njihovom sajtu.Ja je koristim uz cetkice Cala 504 i Blush 11 koje takodje mozete naci u  Alexandar cosmetics radnji.Odlicno nanose pomadu.Pomada ima kremasto-gelastu formulu i jako je  pigmentovana.Vodootporna i dugotrajna tokom celog dana.Brzo se susi.Proizvod je jako kremast kao sto sam vec naglasila i time je potrebna mala kolicina pomade da dobijete zeljeni izgled.Kada se setuje tj.osusi ne mrda celog dana.Boju mozete nadograditi bez problema.Ne razmazuje se.Omogucava obrvama definiciju i profesionalan izgled.Nakon ove pomade samo nanesem Essence Make me brow maskaru i fenomenalna su kombinacija.Pomada je  odlicna tokom toplih letnjih dana.Mene je ovaj proizvod jako iznenadio.Sve pohvale i definitivno ga preporucujem svima.

The pomade is in a nice and high-quality jar. Contains 5 g of the product. My pomade is in the shade of 03 Brunette beautiful ash brown shade. It fits nicely with the color of  my eyebrows and hair. There are also 4 shades and I believe that everyone will find their shade.Price  is 850 RSD and it can be found in every Alexandar cosmetics store as well as on their site. I use it with the Cala 504 and Blush 11 brushes which you can also find in the Alexandar cosmetics shop.Perfectly applied pomade.Pomade has a creamy-gel formula and high it is pigmented. Waterproof and long lasting throughout the day..Product is very creamy as I have already emphasized and it takes a small amount of pomade to get the desired look. When it is dry,It stays all day. You can upgrade without It does not smear. It helps the eyebrow definition and the professional look. After this pomade I just apply Essence Make me  brow mascara and are a phenomenal combination. This pomade is great product for warm summer days.This product was very surprising to me.Every compliment and I definitely recommend it to everyone.

Shade 03 Brunette

Da li ste koristili ovu NYX tame & frame pomadu za obrve?Koje proizvode koristite za poboljsavanje izgleda obrva?
Have you used this NYX tame & frame tinted brow pomade? What products do you use to improve the appearance of the eyebrow?


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