It Style highlighter stick| Review

септембар 12, 2018

It Style je italijanski brend.Nude sirok spektar visoko kvalitetnih proizvoda po povoljnim cenama.Pored makeup-a u svom asortimanu imaju cetke za sminkanje,profesionalnu opremu za nokte i lakove,parfeme,kreme i  jos mnogo toga.Sa ovim brendom prvi put sam se susrela na odmoru u Grckoj i tada sam kupila ovaj It Style highlighter u stiku o kome danas pisem detaljnu recenziju i moje utiske.

It Style is an Italian brand. Offer a wide range of high quality products at affordable prices. In addition to makeup, they have brushes, professional nail equipment and nailpolish, perfumes, creams and more. In this brand I have been the first time met on vacation in Greece and then I bought this It Style highlighter stick about which today I write a detailed review and my impressions.

It Style highlighter stick

Proizvod se nalazi u crnom plasticnom pakovanju na odvrtanje.Sadrzi 10 g proizvoda sto je za mene velika kolicina.Cena mu je oko 12 EUR,a  kupila sam ga u It Style radnji na Krfu.Postoje dve nijanse ovih highlightera.Moja nijansa je Ice 01 koja je  prelepa  biserno svetlo roze nijansa.Druga nijansa je zlatna i odgovarace osobama sa toplim podtonom.Rok trajanja je 24 meseci od otvaranja proizvoda.Blagog je mirisa.Omiljeni makeup proizvod mi je definitivno highlighter i ovo sam morala imati u svojoj kolekciji.Proizvod je jako kremast.mekan i barsunast na dodir.Daje divan prirodan sjaj kozi.Ova nijansa 01 zbog svoje roze nijanse daje licu svez i zdrav sjaj.Odlican je proizvod za strobing tehniku.Pigmentacija ovog highlightera je jako jako visoka.Dovoljan je jedan potez za prelep sjaj na kozi.Lako se blenda i razmazuje na licu.Sporo se trosi.Moju nijansu koristim od oktobra i jos se nije ni pola potrosio.Odlicno se ponasa sa ostalom sminkom,ne pravi fleke,divno se stapa sa kozom.Koristim ga tako sto namazem BB kremu ili puder i nakon toga visoko na jagodicama,slepoocnici i iznad usne stavim ovaj It Style kremasti highlighter.Izgleda prelepo.Moze se nanositi i blendati cetkama,a moze naravno i prstima.Ja ovaj proizvod obozavam i koristim ga gotovo svakodnevno.Mozete ga koristiti uz dnevnu sminku cime cete dobiti blistav,svez i zdrav izgled.Za vecernju sminku malo pojacajte intenzitet i zablistacete kao zvezda.Ukoliko volite highlightere i generalno takav sjaj na licu definitivno pogledajte ovaj It Style proizvod.Preporucujem ga zaista svima,kako zbog samog visokog kvaliteta proizvoda,pigmentacije ,lakog nanosenja i blendanja tako i zbog povoljne cene.It Style ima jos mnogo dobrih proizvoda koje zelim da isprobam,a ovaj highlighter u stiku cu definitivno ponovo kupiti.

The product is located in a black plastic package for unwinding. Contain 10 g of the product which is large for me. The price is about 12 EUR, and I bought it in It Style shop in Corfu. There are two shades of these highlighter. My shade is Ice 01 which is a beautiful pearl-light pink shade. The other shade is golden and will correspond to people with warm undertones. The duration of the product is 24 months since the opening of the product. The smell is mild.My favorite makeup product is definitely highlighter and I had to have this in my collection. The product is very creamy,soft and velvet to touch. It gives a wonderful natural glow of the skin. This shade 01 due to its pink shades gives the face a fresh and healthy glow.Perfect for the strobing technique. The pigmentation of this highlighter is very,very high.A one move for a beautiful glow on the skin is enough.It's easy to blend and smears on the face.Slowly spend.I use my shade since october and has not spend half of it yet.Perfect behaves with the other makeup, does not make a stain, beautifully mates with the skin. I use it as I put on my face a BB cream or a foundation and after that high on the cheeks and above my lips I put this Style creamy highlighter. It looks beautiful.It can be applied and blended with brushes, and it can of course be fingers. I love this product and I use it almost everyday. You can use it with a daily look, which will give you a glow, fresh and healthy look. For the evening and night look, intensify your intensity and light up like a star. If you like highlighter and generally such a glow on your face, definitely look at this It Style product. I recommend it really to everyone, because of the high quality of products, pigmentation, easy application and blending, and for a good price.It Style has many more good products I want to try , and this highlighter stick I will definitely buy again.

Shade 01 Ice

Da li ste koristili ovaj It Style proizvod?Da li ste koristili neki  proizvod It Style brenda?Koji je Vas omiljeni higlighter?
Did you use this It Style product? Did you use some products of It Style brand? What is your favorite highlighter?


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