Rimmel wonderfull wake me up mascara Review

август 30, 2018

Rimmel wonderfull wake me up maskara je relativno nova maskara koju sam isprobala,ali na trzistu je odavno.Kupila sam je u junu,sto je dovoljan vremenski period da steknem prave utiske o nekom proizvodu.U nastavku procitajte detalje i moju recenziju o ovoj Rimmel wonderfull wake me up maskari.

Rimmel wonderfull wake me up mascara is a relatively new mascara I tried, but it's been on the market for a long time. I bought it in June, which is enough time to get real impressions about a product. Read on and follow my review about this Rimmel wonderfull wake me up mascara.

Rimmel wondelfull wake me up mascara

Maskara se nalazi u prelepo dizajniranom pakovanju zelene boje.Sadrzi 11ml proizvoda.Ima veliku cetkicu u obliku pescanog sata.Cetkica jako podseca na cetkicu Too Faced Better then sex maskare.Slican efekat na trepavicama i ima ova maskara.Crne i intenzivne boje sa malo tecnijom formulom pa je potrebno malo vise vremena da se osusi jedan sloj maskare.Cena maskare je 850 RSD,cesto je na popustima u Lilly-u gde sam je i kupila.Trepavicama daje duzinu i volumen.Ne stvara grudvice,ne razmazuje se i nije mi izazvala nikakve iritacije.Nije vodootporna,ali je dugotrajna.Postojana je tokom celog dana.Ima jako intenzivan miris krastavca.Sadrzi i vitamine.Pomocu cetkice  koju sadrzi lako se moze naneti maskara do svakog ugla oka.Ja obozavam efekat probudjenog oka koji daje  ova maskara.Odlicna je za svaki dan,a ukoliko trazite malo dramaticniji izgled i gustinu onda ova maskara nije za vas.Pogodna je za osobe sa osetljivim ocima.Koristim je svakodnevno i kupila bih je ponovo.Preporucujem je osobama koje vole duge trepavice sa divnim volumenom.

Mascara is located in a beautifully designed green package. Contains 11ml of a product. It has a large brush in the form of a sandbox. The brush is very resembling the Too Faced Better then sex mascara. A short effect on the eyelashes and has this mascara. Black and intense colors with a little liquid the formula takes a little more time to dry up a layer of mascara. The price of the mascara is 850 RSD, it is often discounted in Lilly where I bought it. It gives the length and volume of the eyelashes. It does not flake , it does not smear and it is not me has no irritation. It is not waterproof, but it is long lasting. It is durable throughout the day. It has a very intense scent of cucumber. It also contains vitamins. Using the brush it contains can easily apply the mascara to every corner of the eye. I adore the effect of woken eyes given by this mascara . It is excellent for every day, and if you are looking for a slightly more dramatic look and density then this mascara is not for you. It is suitable for people with sensitive eyes. I use it everyday and I would buy it again.I recommend it to people who like long eyelashes with a great volume. 

Da li ste koristili ovu Rimmel wonderfull wake me up maskaru?Koja je Vasa omiljena Rimmel maskara i koju mi preporucujete?
Did you use this Rimmel wonderfull wake me up mascara? What is your favorite Rimmel mascara and what do you recommend?


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