Lidera depilatory powder Review

септембар 28, 2018

Prasak za depilaciju Lidera predstavlja nov nacin depilacije.Obezbedjuje odlican rezultat bez bola,iritacije ili bubuljica.Upotrebljava se na rukama,nogama,stomaku,grudima,ledjima,ispod pazuha ili na intimnim delovima.Pogodan je za uklanjanje  zenskih i muskih dlaka bez obzira na debljinu ili gustinu maljavosti.Ovo kaze proizvodjac,a da li je bas tako dobar ovaj  proizvod procitajte u nastavku posta.

The depilation powder Lidera is a new method of depilation. It provides a great result without pain, irritation or pimples. It is used on the hands, legs, stomach, chest, back, under armpits or intimate parts. It is suitable for the removal of female and male hair regardless of thickness or density of hairiness. This is what the commercials says, and whether it's so good to read this product in the continuation of the post.

Lidera depilatory powder

Ovaj proizvod sam kupila iz ciste radoznalosti.Zanimalo me je bas da li je tako dobar kako same reklame kazu.Niko nije pisao posebne recenzije ovog proizvoda koliko sam  primetila.Iz tog razloga sam resila da napisem detaljnu recenziju ovog praska u slucaju da se neko mozda dvoumi da li da kupi ili ne.Sam prasak se nalazi u kesici i sadrzi 200g.Bele je boje.U setu dobijete i mericu,stapic za mesanje,posudu za mesanje,rukavice i uputstvo za upotrebu.Znaci ovaj prasak za depilaciju mesate sa vodom.Razmera je 3:1,sto znaci sledece ako zelite da skinete nezeljene dlake sa bikini zone ili sa oba pazuha mera je 60 ml praska sa 20 ml vode,obe noge i bikini 240 ml praska sa 80 ml.Detaljno je sve objasnjeno sto se tice razmera u uputstvu.Ono sto bi Vam ja preporucila jeste da malu kolicinu pripremljene smese nanesete na malu povrsinu koze zbog eventualnih alergijski reakcija.Smesa treba da ima kremastu strukturu.Ja sam tretirala noge i ruke.Drzala sam smesu najvise 7 minuta.Nakon isteka vremena samo isperite vodom bez upotrebe sapuna. Nisam preterano zadovoljna ovim praskom,dlake sa ruku je skinuo solidno dok je na nogama rezultat bio gotovo polovican.Ovu kolicinu praska koristila sam dva puta sto mislim da nije ekonomcino za rezultat kakav daje.Cena mu je oko 700-800 RSD.Mozete ga naci u Lilly i DM drogerijama gde sam ja i kupila.Zelim da naglasim da mi ovaj praska nije izazvao nikave iritacije,crvenilo ili pojavu bubuljica.Nakon depilacije koza je glatka ali dlake su krenule da rastu nakon samo par dana.Drzite se uputstva.Ne sadrzi negujuce sastojake pa je potrebno da nanesete neki losion ili kremu nakon depilacije jer ce koza biti veoma suva.Na osnovu celokupnog utiska verovatno ovaj proizvod vise necu kupovati.

I bought this product out of pure curiosity. I was wondering if it was so good that the advertisements themselves say. Nobody wrote specific reviews of this product as much as I noticed. For this reason, I decided to write a detailed review of this depilatory powder in case somebody might whether you buy it or not. The powder is in the bag and contains 200g. It is white. In the set, you get a measure, a mixing stitch, a mixing bowl, gloves and a user manual.The powder is mixed with water . The size is 3: 1, which means  if you want to remove unwanted hair with a bikini zone or under armpits the measure is 60 ml of a powder with 20 ml of water, both legs and bikini 240 ml of a powder with 80 ml. It is all explained in a user manual.The only thing I would recommend to you is to apply a small amount of prepared mixture to a small surface of the skin due to possible allergic reactions. The mixture should have a creamy structure. I treated the legs and hands. I kept it for a maximum of 7 minutes. After the expiration times just rinse with water without using soap. I'm not overly satisfied with this powder, my hair was removed solidly on arms but on legs while the result was nearly half. This amount of powder I used twice, which I think is not economical for the result it gives. The price is about 700-800 RSD. You can find it in Lilly and DM drugstores where I bought it. I want to emphasize that this powder did not cause any irritation, redness or appearance of the pimples. After depilation of the skin is smooth but the hair started to grow after only a few days. Keep the instructions. So it is necessary to apply a lotion or cream after depilation because the skin will be very dry. Based on the overall impression, I probably will not buy this product anymore.

Da li ste koristile ovaj Lidera prasak za depilaciju?
Did you use this Lidera depilatory powder?


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