Benefit the Porefessional matte rescue primer

септембар 20, 2018

Obozavam Benefit brend,njihova prelepa pakovanja i kvalitetne proizvode.Isprobala sam mnoge njihove proizvode i rado ih koristim,a za danas sam pripremila recenziju njihovog Porefessional matte rescue prajmera.

I am pleased with the Benefit brand and  I adore their beautiful packaging and quality products. I have tried many of their products and I am glad to use them, and today I have prepared a review of their Porefessional matte rescue primer.

Benefit the Porefessional matte rescue primer 

Proizvod se nalazi u klasicnom tuba pakovanju.Sadrzi 50ml proizvoda.Dizajn samog pakovanja je prelep sa svetlo mint zelenim i srebrno metalik detaljima.Cena prajmera je oko 32 $,sto je malo veci novac ali ovaj prajmer  vredi svaki dolar.Ja sam moj kupila u Sephori u Grckoj i kostao je oko 30 EUR.U Srbiji mislim da postoji samo manje pakovanje od 15 ml.Formula ovog prajmera mi se jako dopada jer je gelasta,nije silikonska.Kao i pakovanje  ovaj prajmer je svetlo  mint zelene boje sa prijatnim i svezim mirisom.Lagane strukture bez tezine na licu.Nije mi izazvala nikakvo peckanje ili neki slican problem.Na bazi vode je i smatram da ce odgovarati osobama sa normalnom,mesovitom i naravno sa masnim tipom koze.Ja imam normalan tip koze,ponekad mi T-zona bude masnija i tada upotrebim ovaj prajmer.Pored toga sto matira ovaj proizvod odlicno bluruje pore cini ih manje vidiljivim.Sadrzi dijamntski prah koji upravo smanjuje vidljivost pora.Sminku duze drzi na licu.Nanosim ga na cistu kozu.Ono sto sam primetila jeste da pri nanosenju ovaj prajmer prijatno hladi kozu cineci je glatkom.Svaki puder nestvarno izgleda kada koristim ovaj Benefit prajmer.Dovoljna je mala kolicina prajmera za potpuni efekat.Na taj nacin se proizvod stedi i duze traje.Brzo upija kozu.Postao je moj omiljeni mat prajmer i dajem mu ocenu 10/10 za celokupan efekat i ucinak.Definitivno cu ga ponovo kupiti.Pored ovog mat prajmera ,postoji i njihov cuveni prajmer koji umanjuje pore i novi koji daje glow i blistav efekat.Ovo je proizvod vredan svake paznje.

The product is in a classic tube packaging. Contain 50 ml of the product. The design of the package is beautiful with a light mint of green and silver metallic details. The price of the primer is about $ 32, which is a little bigger money, but this primer is worth every dollar. I bought my primer in Sephori in Greece and cost about 30 EUR. In Serbia I think there is only exists a package of 15 ml. The formule of this primer is very pleasant to me because it is gel, not silicone. As well as packing this primer is a light green color mint with pleasant and fresh scent. The structure is without weight on the face. It did not cause me any tingling or some kind of problem. It is based on water and I think it will suit people with normal, mixed and of course with oily skin type. I have a normal skin type, sometimes T- zone is greasy and oily and then I use this primer. In addition to the fact that this product produces a great blurred pore, it makes them less visible. Contain a diamond powder that just reduces the visibility of the pores. The makeup is longer on the face. I take it on a clean skin. I noticed that when applied, this primer is pleasantly cooled by the skin, making it smooth. Any foundations is unrealistic when I use this Benefit primer. A small amount of primer is needed for the full effect. In this way, the product is conserved and lasts longer. It quickly absorbs the skin. It has my favorite matt primer and I give him an 10/10 rating for the overall effect. I will definitely buy it again. In addition to this matte primer, there is also exists their famous primer that minimize the pores and the new one that gives a glow and radiant effect. This is a product worth every attention.

Da li ste koristili ovaj Benefit prajmer?Koji mat prajmer mi preporucujete da isprobam?
Did you use this Benefit primer? Which matt primers do you recommend me to try?


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