Wet n Wild contouring palette

октобар 02, 2018

Pre par meseci pisala sam recenziju o Llums contouring palette koju obozavam i koju sam skoro pa skroz potrosla.Setajuci se po DM drogeriji naisla sam na Wet n Wild brend.Tada sam znala koji to brend ,ali do tog trenutka nisam koristila nista od njihovih proizvoda.Odlucila sam da kupim ovu njihovu paletu za kontrisanje.U nastavku procitajte detaljnu recenziju o ovoj Wet n Wild paleti za konturisanje.

A few months ago, I wrote a review about the Llums contouring palette  that I adore and which I almost spent on it. Walking into the DM drugstore , I went to the Wet n Wild brand. Then I knew which brand, but until that moment I did not use any of their products . I decided to buy this palette for contouring. Read the detailed review of this Wet n Wild contouring palette down below.

Wet n Wild contouring palette

Paleta se nalazi u plasticnom pakovanju od 12,5g.Sadzi svetlu nijansu za posvetljivanje i  tamniju za konturisanje.Postoje dve kombinacije nijansi.Ja koristim nijansu 749A Dulce de Leche koja sadrzi  2 nijanse sa hladnijim podtonom.Odgovarace osobama sa svetlijim tonom koze i osobama koje imaju hladan podton koze.Druga kombinacija nijansi je u broju 750A Caramal Toffee koja sadrzi dve tople nijanse.Cena ove palete je i moze se naci u svakoj DM drogeriji u Srbiji.Nijanse se savrseno blendaju i stapaju s kozom.Lagane strukture i pod prstima praskasto-puteraste formule.Nije previse intenzivna sto je cini nadogradivom.Ne mozete preterati sa kolicinom.Ne istice pore i bore kao ni suve delove koze.Daje prirodan izgled isticuci pojedine delove lica.Sporo se trosi.Ne trusi se preterano.Pigmentacija je na visokom nivou.Tokom celog dana je postojana.Obe nijanse su mat.Ukoliko se dvoumite oko kupovine ovog Wet nWild proizvoda ,definitivno Vam preporucujem jer je proizvod odlican i necete se pokajati sigurno.

The palette is in a plastic package of 12.5g. It is a light-colored shade for highlight  and a darker for contouring. There are two combinations of shades. I use the 749A Dulce de Leche shade that contains 2 shades with a colder undertone. They will answer people with a lighter skin tone and people who have a cold undertone of the skin. Another combination of shades is in the number of 750A Caramal Toffee that contains two warm shades. The price of this palette is and can be found in every DM drugstore in Serbia. The shades are perfectly blend and melt with the skin. The light of the structure and powdery- buttery formule.It is not too intense that makes it more up-to-date. You can not over do it with quantity. It does not expire pores and  wrinkles as well as dry parts of the skin. It gives a natural look by highlighting certain parts of the face. It's  slowly spend. It does not fall out too much. The pigmentation is at a high level. It has been standing all day. Both shades are matte. If you are undecided about buying this Wet n Wild product, I'm definitely recommending you because the product is excellent and you will not be repent surely.

Da li ste koristili ovu Wet n Wild paletu za konturisanje?
Did you use this Wet n Wild contouring palette?


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2 коментара

  1. Ćao :) S o bzirom na to da si obe koristila, koju bi paletu za konturisanje pre preporučila, Wet n wild ili Llums? :)

  2. Zdravoo :) Prednost dajem Llums paletici za konturisanje.Za nijansu je kremastija i meni licno bolja.Koju god izaberes neces pogresiti.:*

