My summer glow routine

август 21, 2018

Leto je pored proleca moje omiljeno godisnje doba.U ovom periodu volim taj glow efekat na licu.Za danas sam pripremila moju rutinu u sminkanju tokom leta i kako postizem zdrav sjaj na licu.

The summer is next to the spring my favorite season. In this period I love this glow effect on my face. For today, I prepared my makeup routine in during the summer and how to achieve a healthy glow on my face.

Prvi proizvod koji koristim jeste prajmer/ulje.Trenutno testiram ovo Farsali rose gold elixir i za sad mi se jako dopada.Stavim ga na ocisceno lice.Ovo ulje pored nege mi daje zeljeni sjaj koji ja obozavam.Leti  gotovo da i ne koristim pudere,vec samo korekektor.Nanosim ga ispod oka i izblendam sundjerom za sminkanje.Kada sam nanela korektor prelazim na moj omiljeni deo,a to je hajlajter i bronzer.Koristim ovu The Balm paleticu gde imate cuveni Mary-Lou hajlajter,Cindy-Lou rumenilo i Betty-Lou bronzer.Na licu izgledaju nestvarno i prelepo.Ova paletica mi daje letnji sjaj.Tokom leta samo nju i koristim.Cindy-Lou rumenilo i Betty-Lou bronzer volim ponekad da stavim na ocima kao senku.Dok mi je Mary-Lou hajlajter omiljeni proizvod,a mogu slobodno reci i omiljeni hajlajter.Nakon pripremljene koze prelazim na obrve.Trenutno koristim ovu NYX pomadu za obrve.Jako sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom.Popunim malo obrve fiksiram ih maskarom za obrve.Ova pomada je vodootporna i idealna za ovo letnje vreme.Na ocima stavljam jos samo maskaru.U ovom periodu godine ne volim teske i mat ruzeve,te se uvek opredelim za neki sjaj.Trenutno koristim ovaj Pierre Rene chic gloss.Na ovaj nacin se sminkam svakog dana,a oduzima mi gotovo manje od 15 minuta.

The first product I use is primer / oil. I'm currently testing this Farsali rose gold elixir and for now I like it very much. I put it on a cleaned face. This oil besides care gives me the desired shine that I adore. I almost certainly do not use powders, but just a corrector. I put it under my eye and blend with a makeup sponge.When I apply the corrector,I'm switching to  my favorite part, which is a highlighter and a bronzer. I use this The Balm palette where you have a famous Mary-Lou highlighter, Cindy-Lou Blush and Betty -Lou bronzer.On the face they look unreal and beautiful.This palette gives me a summer glow.Cindy-Lou blush and Betty-Lou bronzer I like to sometimes put on the eyes as a shadow. As far as Mary-Lou highlighter  my favorite product, and I can freely say your favorite highlighter. After I have finished my skin they are next eyebrows. I'm currently using this NYX pomade for eyebrow. I'm very satisfied with this product. I'm getting a little fill in  eyebrows and fixed with a brow mascara. This pomade is waterproof and ideal for this summer. I'm putting only mascara in my eyes. In this period of the year I do not like heavy and matt lipstick, and I always prefere for some lipgloss. I'm currently using this Pierre Rene chic gloss. This way I makeup every day and takes me almost less than 15 minutes.

Kako se Vi sminkate tokom leta?Kako postizete summer glow i koji su Vam omiljeni proizvodi?
How do you make it during the summer? How do you get summer glow and what are your favorite products?


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