3 easy and quick ways to clean makeup sponges

јул 20, 2018

Bez makeup sundjera ne mogu zamisliti nanosenje pudera,BB kreme i korektora.Verujem da i mnoge devojke dele isto misljenje.Gotovo da ne korsitim cetku za puder jer mi makeup sundjer divno stopi svaki proizvod na licu cineci ga prirodnim.Jedina stvar koja zamara jeste samo ciscenje makeup sundjera koje zna biti jako tesko.Jako je vazno cititi makeup sundjere nakon svake upotrebe.Za danas sam pripremila 3 laka i brza nacina kako ocistiti makeup sundjer.Nadam se da ce Vam ovaj post  pomoci i olaksati ciscenje.

  • Without a makeup sponge I can not imagine applying foundation, BB creams and concealer. I believe that many girls share the same opinion. I do not want to workable the brush for the foundation because my makeup sponge marvelously draws every product on the face making it natural. The only fatigue thing is just cleaning makeup sponge which can be very difficult.It is very important to clean makeup sponge after each use.For today I have prepared 3 easy and quick ways to clean makeup sponges. I hope this post will help you and easier cleaning.

1.Osnovno ciscenje:
U nekoj ciniji sipajte toplu vodu i antibakterijski tecni sapun.Lepo pomesajte da se stvori sapunica.Sundjer uronite u vodu i stisnite rukom dva do tri puta,a zatim ostavite u vodi na 30 minuta.U posudi treba da bude dovoljno vode da pokrije sundjer.Sundjer ce upiti vodu,a time i izmeniti boju vode.Izvadite sundjer iz vode i istisnite svu suvisnu vodu.Ukoliko je jos zaprljan na par mesta dodajte direktno sapun,a zatim nezno isperite toplom vodom,dok se ne ispere potpuno od sminke i sapunice.Sundjer je cist kada je voda tokom ispiranja cista.Uzmite papirni ubrus i nezno stisnite sundjer da bi ste ga osusili,a zatim ga ostavite na peskir gde ce se sasvim osusiti na vazduhu i biti spreman za koriscenje.

1.Basic cleaning:
In some bowl, pour hot water and antibacterial liquid soap. Make sure to create a soap foam.Soak sponge into the water and squeeze it with your hand two to three times, then leave in water for 30 minutes. In the dish there should be enough water to cover the spear. Sponge will absorb the water and thus change the color of the water. Extract the sponge from the water and pour out all the sucking water. If it is still dipped in a couple of places, add the soap directly and then gently rinse with warm water until it is completely washed out of makeup and soap. The sponge is clean when the water is clean during washing. Take a paper napkin and gently squeeze the sponge to dry it, then leave it in the towel where it will completely dry in the air and be ready to use.

2.Dubinsko ciscenje:
Pokvasite sundjer,a zatim ga drzite pod toplom tekucom vodom 30-60 sekundi.Kada je sundjer potupno upio vodu,dodajte na zaprljana mesta antibakterijski tekuci sapun.Cistite sundjer energicno i intenzivno sve dok se iz sredisnjeg dela sundjera ne izvuku sve necistoce,sminka i sapunica.Isperite sundjer pod toplom vodom.Sundjer cete mozda morati par puta ispirati sve dok ga potpuno ne isperete.Ukoliko je voda cista tokom ispiranja cist je i sundjer.Uzmite papirni ubrus i nezno stisnite sundjer da bi ste ga osusili,a zatim ga ostavite na peskir gde ce se sasvim osusiti na vazduhu i biti spreman za koriscenje.

2.Deep cleaning:
Wet the sponge and hold under warm running water for 30-60 seconds.When the sponge absorbs water, add into the dirty places an antibacterial liquid soap. Clean the sponge energetically and intensively until all the impurities, smear and soap are removed from the middle part of the sundeck. Wash the sponge under warm water. You may have to wash several times until it is completely washed out. If the water is clean during washing, the sponge is clean. Take a paper napkin and gently squeeze the sponge to dry it, then leave it in the towel where it will completely dry in the air and be ready to use.

3.Ciscenje u mikrotalasnoj:
Ovakav nacin ciscenja je najefikasniji i najbrzi.Potopite sundjer u posudu napunjenu vodom.Zatim ga stavite u  adekvatnu ciniju ili casu za mikrotalasnu pecnicu,dodajte antibakterijski tecni sapun i dopunite vodu da pokrije sundjer.Sundjer ne sme biti suv jer ce se na taj nacin ostetiti.Stavite posudu sa sundjerom  u mikrotalasnoj pecnici na 30 sekundi.Ostavite da se ohladi par minuta,a zatim izvadite sundjer iz vode,isperite mlakom vodom  sundjer od sapunice i sminke i nezno istisnite vodu pomocu peskira.Ostavite da se osusi na vazduhu i nakon susenja je spreman za koriscenje.

3.Cleaning in the microwave:
This way of cleaning  is the most efficient and quickest. Take the sponge into a bowl filled with water. Then put it in an adequate bowl or glass for a microwave oven, add an antibacterial liquid soap and make up the water to cover the sponge.The sponge must not be dry because it will damage the material.Pour a bowl with a sponge in a microwave oven for 30 seconds. Allow to cool for a few minutes, then remove the sponge from the water, rinse sponge with warm water from a soap and dipping and gently push the water through the towel. Allow it to dry in the air and after drying is ready for use.

Da li koristite makeup sundjere i na koji nacin ih cistite?
Do you use makeup sponges and how to clean them?


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