The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil |Review

март 01, 2018

The Body Shop obozavam i rado koristim.Svaki put kad otputujem u inostranstvo iskoristim priliku da kupim neki njihov proizvod.Za danas sam pripremila recenziju  The Body Shop ulja sa  cajnim drvetom/cajevcem-njihov jako popularan proizvod.

The Body Shop I adore, and I am happy to use it. Every time I travel abroad,  I take the opportunity to buy some of their product. For today I prepared a review of The Body Shop tea tree oil-their very popular product.
The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil 

Ovo ulje je deo The Body Shop linije/kolekcije sa cajevcem.Pored ovog ulja ova kolekcija sadrzi losione,tonere,gelove i maramice za cicenje lica,pilinge kao i pudere i prajmere za smanjenje pora.Ulje se nalazi u  prelepom tamno-zelenom staklenom pakovanju prepoznatljivom za ovu The body Shop liniju.Sadrzi 10ml proizvoda.Bezbojan sa mirisom cajnog drveta.Miris je malo jaci ali meni ne smeta uopste cak mi prija i volim takve prirodne mirise.Moze se naci u svakoj The Body Shop radnji kao i na njihovom sajtu.Ja sam svoje kupila u njihovoj radnji na Krfu.Cena ovog odlicnog ulja je 8EUR.Vredi svakog eura i vise od toga jer je jako kvalitetan proizvod.Ulje je namenjeno za kozu koja je sklona pojavi bubuljica i akni.Brzo upija ostavljajuci blag sjaj ulja,hladi kozu.Miris je u pocetku prisutan ali posle ispari.Sporo se trosi,iako ima samo 10ml proizvoda.Ja sam svoje kupila u oktobru i jos ga koristim.Rok trajanja 12 meseci od otvaranja .Sadrzi odlican poklopac i kapalicu koja dozira ulje kap po kap.Zanimljiva cinjenica je ta da se svakih 8 sec proda jedna bocica ovog ulja.To Vam sve govori.Koristim ga uvece posle temeljnog ciscenja lica direktno na mesto gde mi je izasla bubuljica.Zelim reci da ja imam normalni tip koze bez problema sto se tice bubuljica i akni,ali nekad mi izadje po koja i ovo ulje resava to za par dana.Testirala sam ovo ulje :Izasla mi je bubuljica,ulje sam nanosila svako vece 5 dana i nakon toga je nestala.Nije mi isusilo deo gde sam nanosila nit mi je izazvalo bilo kakve iritacije ili crvenilo.Bila sam jako iznenadjena tako brzim rezultatima i definitivno cu ga opet kupiti kada potrosim ovu bocicu.Jako kvalitetan i efikasan The Body Shop proizvod.Naravno ulje koristite duzi vremenski period da bi dalo prave vidljivije rezultate.Definitivno ga preporucujem svima ,ali pre upotrebe ovog ulja bolje prvo posetite svog dermatologa da vidite dal ce Vam odgovarati.

This oil is part of The Body Shop line/collection with tea tree oil.In addition to this oil, this collection contains lotions, toner, gels and wipes for facial cleaning, as well as foundations and primer for minimizes pores. The oil is located in a beautiful dark-green glass packaging recognizable for this The body Shop line. Contains 10 ml product.Colourless with the scent of tea tree. The scent is a little stronger but I don't mind it at all, even feels good and i love that kind of natural fragrances. It can be found in each of The Body Shop stores as well as on their website. Well, I've bought in their shop in Corfu. The price of this great oil is  8 EUR. It's worth every euro and more than that because it's very high-quality product.The oil is suitable for skin that is prone to show up a pimple and acne. Quickly absorbs leaving the little glow of oil, cools the skin. The smell is present at first but later evaporated. Slow to spend, although there are only 10 ml of product. I bought it in october and still use it. Shelf life 12 months from opening. Contains an excellent cover and dropper which metered the oil drop by drop.An interesting fact is that every 8 sec sells one bottle of this oil. That says it all. I use it at night after a thorough cleaning of the face directly to the place where I got out a pimple. I want to say that I have a normal type of skin without problems as far as a pimple and acne, but sometimes I go out for that and this oil solves it for a couple of days.I tested this oil:  pimple is come on my face, I applied oil every 5 days and then it disappeared. Did not dry out the part where  I applied the thread that caused me any irritation or redness. I was very surprised by the quick results and I will definitely buy it again when I spend this bottle. Very high-quality and efficient The Body Shop product. Of course the oil you are using for a longer period of time that would give the right a more visible results. Definitely recommend it to everyone, but before you can use this oil better first visit your dermatologist to see if it will suit you.

Da li ste koristili ovo The Body Shop ulje?Da li volite i koristite The Body Shop proizvode?Sta mi preporucujete da dalje isprobam?
Did you use this The Body Shop oil? Do you love and use The Body Shop products? What do you recommend me to try?


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