Banana-strawberry Smoothie Bowl

март 05, 2018

Smoothie Bowl je najcesca varijanta mog zdravog i ukusnog dorucka.Pored granole ovo najvise i volim da jedem.Kombinujem sezonsko voce,orasaste plodove,razne zdrave semenke uz mleko ili jogurt.Za danas sam pripremila recept koji trenutno najvise volim-Banana-strawberry smoothie bowl.

Smoothie Bowl is the most common variant of my healthy and delicious breakfast.In addition to the granola,I like it the most to eat.I combine seasonal fruit,nuts,various healthy seeds with milk or yogurt.For today,I have prepared the recipe that I currently like most-Banana-strawberry smoothie bowl.

Banana-strawberry Smoothie Bowl

Sastojci i priprema:
Priprema je jako jednostavna,a sastojke verovatno vec imate u svojoj kuhinji.Za ovaj smoothie potrebna je jedna banana ,jagode i 150ml jogurta ili mleka.Ja koristim smrznutu bananu i jogurt,jer daju kremastu i guscu strukturu.Ukoliko volite  nesto redju strukturu koristite svezu bananu i mleko.Stavite sve sastojke u blender.Izblendajte dok se svi sastojci medjusobno sjedine.Smoothie stavite u neku ciniju.Ja sam dodala jos i Godzi bobice,malo granole i lesnika.Naravno,Vi dodajte sta zelite i volite.Na kraju se smestite udobno i uzivajte u svom zdravom dorucku.  

Ingredients and preparations:
Preparations is very simple,and you probably already have all the ingredients in your kichen.For this you need one banana,strawberries and 150ml of yogurt or milk.I use frozen banana and yogurt because they give a creamy and thickly structure.If you love more regular thinly structure use fresh banana and milk.Put all the ingredients in the blender.Shake off until all the ingredients are seated together.Put it in some bowl.I added Goji berries,a little granola and hazelnuts.Of course,add what you want and love.Finally,place yourself comfortable and enjoy in your healthy breakfast.

Healthy and delicious breakfast

Bon Appetit!

Da li volite smoothie?Sta najcesce jedete za dorucak?Kako Vam se dopada ovaj recept?
Do you like smoothie?What are you most eating for breakfast?How do you like this recipe?


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