Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension mascara| Review

фебруар 27, 2018

Essence je jedan od brendova koji imaju  po meni najbolje drogerijske maskare.Ovu Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension maskaru kupila sam krajem leta.Tad je bila novitet iz Essence-a pored one roze curl and hold.Posto obozavam duge trepavice odlucila sam da kupim ovu Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension maskaru o kojoj Vam danas prenosim svoje utiske.

The essence is one of the brands that have according to me the best drogerijske mascara. This Essence volume 18 h extension lash stylist mascara I bought at the end of the summer. She was a novelty from the Essence-and in addition to the one in pink curl and hold. Percent I love long lashes I decided to buy this Essence volume stylist 18 h lash extension mascara that I bring you today your impressions.
Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension mascara

Maskara se nalazi u prelepom metalik ljubicastom pakovanju  od 12ml proizvoda sa jako zanimljivim poklopcem.Klasicne crne je boje.Sadrzi dugu cetkicu dijamantskog oblika,na cijoj sredini su duze dlacice,a na krajevima krace.Cena ove maskare je 419 RSD.Moze se naci u svakoj drogeriji,a u Srbiji u svakoj Lilly i DM radnji.Ovom maskarom cete postici divne duge trepavice sa suptilnim volumenom.Ja upravo takav efekat maskare  volim na ocima.Zaobljena cetkica dostize do svakog ugla oka.Odlicno mi se pokazala i za gornje kao i za donje trepavice.Ova maskara sadrzi vlakna koja produzavaju trepavice cineci ih da budu duge i pune.Najcesce nanosim dva sloja.Daje divan , suptilan i prirodan look.Malo se brze susi tako da vodite racuna kada i ako nanosite drugi sloj -da malo brze nanesete taj drugi sloj.Moje trepavice cini duzim ,debljim sa suptilnim volumenom.Odlicna je za svaki dan.Nisam primetila da se kruni ili da se lepi,sto je jedan veliki plus za maskaru.Tokom dana je postojana.Skidam je bez problema uz pomoc Garnier micelar gela i odlicna su kombinacija.Definitivno je preporucujem svima,a prvenstveno osobama koje vole duge trepavice.

Mascara is located in beautiful metallic purple pack of 12 ml of product with a very interesting cover. Classic black color. Contains a long diamond shaped brush, whose side the middle are long hairs, and at the ends of the shorter. The price of this mascara is 419 RSD. It can be found in any drugstore, and in Serbia in every Lilly and DM shop.This mascara will make lovely long lashes with a subtle volume. I love the effect it gives this mascara on my eyes. Rounded brush reaches to every corner of the eye. Good me show and for the upper and for the lower lashes. This mascara contains fibers that lengthening lashes making them to be long and full. Usually I apply two coats. Gives a lovely, subtle and natural look. So. It makes my lashes longer, thicker with a subtle volume. She's great for every day. I didn't notice that the Crown or to be beautiful, which is a big plus for mascara. During the day it is long-lasting. Take it off without a hitch with the help of Garnier micelar gel and a great combination. Definitely recommend it to everyone, primarily for people who like long lashes.

Da li ste koristili ovu Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension maskaru?Koja je Vasa omiljena Essence maskara?
Did you use this Essence volume stylist 18h lash extension mascara?Which is your favorite Essence mascara?


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