Detox face mask with zeolite

март 16, 2018

Kako je potreban detoks nasem organizmu tako je potreban i nasoj kozi.U danasnjem postu pokazacu Vam recept za Detoks masku za lice sa zeolitom.Zeolit je prirodni mineral nastao mesanjem vulkanske lave sa alkalnim podzemnim vodama.Sadrzi mikroelemente poput natrijuma, kalcijuma,kalijuma i magnezijuma koji su od velike vaznosti za nas organizam.Mocan je detoksikator i uspostavlja zdravlje komplektnog organizma.Ova maska za lice sa zeolitom ce Vam ocistiti pore,dati divno meku i glatku kozu lica,a redovnom upotrebom i ukloniti akne i bubuljice.

How to Detox is needed our organism is so it takes one, and our skin. In today post, I'll show you a recipe for Detox face mask with zeolite. Zeolite is a natural mineral formed mix volcanic lava with alkaline groundwater. Contains elements such as natrium, calcium, potassium and magnesium, which are of great importance for us. It is a powerful detoxifier and establishes health complex of the organism. This face mask with zeolite will cleanse pores, give a wonderful soft and smooth the skin of the face, and the regular use of and remove the acne and pimples. 

Detox face mask with zeolite 

Sastojci i priprema maske:
Potreban Vam je samo prah zeolita koji mozete naci u svakoj radnji zdrave hrane i voda.Pozesajte kasiku zeolita sa 2 kasike vode.Smesa treba da izgleda kao pasta.Masku nanesite na lice,udobno se smestite i sacekajte pola sata da deluje tj. dok se maska ne osusi.Lice isperite mlakom vodom.Dobicete meku i cistu kozu lica.Ovu masku sa zeolitom praktikujte da mazete jednom nedeljno.

The ingredients and preparing masks:
All you need is a zeolite powder that you can find in every health food store and water. Mix one spoon zeolite powder with 2 spoons of water. Mixture should look like paste. Apply on face mask, make yourself comfortable and wait for half an hour to take effect, while the mask does not dry. Face, rinse off with lukewarm water. You'll get soft and clean the skin of the face. This mask with zeolite practice  to put on once a week.

Da li koristite zeolit?
Do you use zeolite?


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