Cien Q10 face and hand cream |Review

март 22, 2018

Cien je Lidl linija proizvoda.U danasnjem postu Vam govorim moje utiske o njihovoj dnevnoj kremici za lice i kremi za ruke iz linije Q10.

Cien is a Lidl product line. In today's post, I'm telling you my impressions of their day facereamc and hand cream creams from line Q10.

Cien Q10 face and hand cream

Krema za lice se nalazi u  keramickom pakovanju od 50ml,dok se krema za ruke nalazi u klasicnom tuba pakovanju od 125ml.Pakovanja su bela sa zutim detaljima.Miris ovih krema je svez,blag i cist.Obe kreme su jako bogate  i kremaste strukture svetlo zute boje.Sadrze koenzim Q10,hijaluronsku kiselinu,UV filtere i vitamin E.Dnevnu kremu nanosim ujutru nakon ciscenja lica,nekad je stavim pre pudera ili BB kreme.Jako prija mom licu,nije mi izazvala nikakve iritacije ili peckanje.Koza je meka i glatka na dodir.Posto su ovo proizvodi koji umanjuju bore i fine linije na kozi,smatram da je potrebno vreme za vidljive rezultate sto se tice smanjenja bora.Odlicno neguju i hrane kozu.Brzo upijaju u kozu.Zaista se oseti ta hidratantnost koje ove kremice imaju.Cena im je jako pristupacna i mogu se naci u svakoj Lidl radnji.Pored ovih krema postoji  nocna krema i kremica za predeo ispod oka.Kremu za ruke cesto imam u torbi,divno hidrira kozu ruku,cineci je premekom i glatkom ostavljajuci divan miris.Tako da sledeci put kada budete bili u Lidl-u obratite paznju na Cien kozmetiku.

The face cream is in a 50ml ceramic package, while the hand cream is in a classic 125ml packing tube. The packs are white with yellow details. The scent of these creams is fresh, mild and clean. Both creams are very rich and creamy light structures yellow color. Instant co-enzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, UV filters and vitamin E. I put the day cream in the morning after cleansing the face, I put it before the foundation or the BB cream. Although it was pleasant to my face, it did not cause any irritation or tingle. The skin is soft and smooth on the touch. Often these are products that reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, I think that it takes time for visible results regarding wrinkles reduction. They also care and nourish the skin. They quickly absorb in the skin.Really feel the moisture that these creams have.They are very affordable price  and can be found in every Lidl shop. In addition to these creams there is a night cream and a cream for the area under the eye. I often have a hand cream in the bag, beautifully hydrates the skin of the hand, making it soft and smooth leaving a wonderful scent .So, the next time you are in Lidl, pay attention to Cien cosmetics.

Da li ste koristili ove Cien kreme?Sta mi preporucujete da isprobam jos od Cien-a?
Did you use these Cien creams? What do you recommend me to try out more than Cien?


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