Byphasse Soft Cleansing Milk |Review

март 12, 2018

Byphasse je spanski brend nastao u Barseloni,2000.godine.Sva njihova kozmetika bazirana je na termalnoj vodi iz Bretanje u Francuskoj.Ova termalna voda sadrzi mnoge minerale koji su pogodni za kozu.U proteklom periodu isprobala sam mnoge Byphasse proizvode,a za danas sa pripremila recenziju-Byphasse mleka za ciscenje lica.

Byphasse is a Spanish brand founded in Barcelona in 2000.All of their cosmetics are based on thermal waters from Brittany in France.This thermal water contains many minerals that are suitable for the skin.In the past period I have tried many Byphasse products and for today prepared a review-Byphasse Soft Cleansing Milk.
Byphasse Soft Cleansing Milk

Proizvod je nalazi u plasticnom pakovanju sa prelepim roze-crnim natpisom.Sadrzi 500ml proizvoda sto je zaista velika kolicina.Mleko je bele boje retke kozistencije.Miris je prelep,nezan i svez,meni mirise na citruse.Moze se naci u svakoj Lilly i DM drogeriji.Cena ovog mleka za ciscenje je 380 RSD sto je jako pristupacno.Sadrzi vitamin E i provitamin B5.Ne sadrzi boje.Pogodan je za sve tipove koze.Ovo mleko je namenjeno za ciscenje lica kao i za skidanje sminke.Mozete ga koristiti na licu i na ocima.Nezno otklanja sve necistoce sa lica i obezbedjuje prirodni ph balans.Dermatoloski je ispitan.Ovo mleko koristim i ujutru i uvece,nakon ciscenja lica,uzmem tufer predjem lice i oci i nakon toga koristim njihov tonik.Mojoj kozi jako prija.Skida sminku solidno ,dok vodootpornu ne u potpunosti.Odlicno je za svakodnevnu upotrebu.Blago je i hidratantno.Ostavlja kozu divno mekanom ,cistom i svezom.Ne trosi se brzo.Nije mi izazvalo nikakvo peckanje ili iritacije.Definitivno proizvod koji je isplativ i vredan paznje.Preporucujem ga apsolutno svima.

The product is located in a plastic package with a beautiful pink-black inscription. Contains 500ml of a product that is really large quantity. The milk is a white color of a thinly structure.Scent is beautiful, mildly and fresh, it scent like citrus. It can be found in every Lilly and DM drugstore. The price of this cleansing milk is 380 RSD, which is very affordable. Contains vitamin E and provitamine B5. It does not contain colors. It is suitable for all skin types.This milk is intended for cleansing your face and for removing makeup. You can use it on face and eye. Instantly removes all impurities from the face and provides natural ph balance. The dermatological examined. I use this milk in the morning and in the night, after cleansing my face, I take the cottom wool in front of my face and eyes and after that I use their tonic.My skin is very nice . It removes the makeup solidly, while waterproof is not completely. It is excellent for everyday use. It is also hydrating. It leaves the skin with a delicate soft, clean and freshness. It does not spend quickly. It did not cause any tingle or irritation. Definitely a product that is cost-effective and worthwhile.I recommend it absolutely to everyone.

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