Yves Rocher peau parfaite 6in1 BB cream|Review

фебруар 16, 2018

Yves Rocher je brend koji cesto i rado koristim.Obozavam njihove  kreme,serume,gelove za tusiranje, sjajeve za usne ,karmine,parfeme,sampone i sve ostale njihove proizvode.Pored divnih mirisa proizvodi su im jako kvalitetni.Jedan njihov proizvod postao je neizostavan deo moje makeup rutine.U pitanju je Yves Rocher peau parfaite 6in1 BB krema,i za danas sam pripremila upravo recenziju ovog divnog proizvoda.

Yves Rocher is a brand that often, and i'd be happy to use it. I love their cream, face serums, shower gel, lipgloss, lipsticks, perfumes, shampoos and all the other of their products. In addition to the wonderful smell products are very high quality. One of their product has become indispensable part of my makeup routine. It's about Yves Rocher peau parfaite 6in1 BB cream, and for today I just prepared a review of this beautiful product.

Yves Rocher peau parfaite 6in1 BB cream

Ovo je inace moja omiljena BB krema koju prosto obozavam.Pa da krenemo sa detaljima i mojim utiscima o ovoj BB kremi.Proizvod se nalazi u tubi od 50ml  i 100ml.Postoji u tri nijanse: light,medium i dark.Moja je u medium nijansi.Cena ove BB kreme je oko 20 EUR.Sadrzi beli caj i pigmente koji svojim svojstvima stite kozu,ujednacavaju ten ,daju sjaj i zdrav izgled kozi.Ova BB krema je lagane,kremaste i blage strukture i formule.Nije teska na licu,ne pecka, nije mi izazvala nikakve iritacije i crvenilo na licu.Beli caj u kombinaciji sa aphloria ekstraktom stiti kozu od spoljasnjih uslova.Nudi 6 odvojenih beneficija za lepotu koze.Ima SPF 20 sto je odlicna stvar i retko da koja BB krema ima zastitni faktor.Posto retko koristim puder,ova BB krema mi je postala neizostavan deo makeup rutine.Daje mi blistav ,ujednacen ten ali ne stvara osecaj maske i divno hidrira kozu.Prelepo mirise.Meni je dovoljan jedan sloj,ali moze se naneti i dva.Pogodna je da se koristi svakog dana.Volim prirodni efekat koji daje licu.Ovu BB kremu nanosim prstima,pa sve lepo izblendam Beauty blenderom.Odlicno se ponasa i stapa sa ostalom sminkom na licu.Sporo se trosi.Lako se dozira i razmazuje na licu.Dugotrajna.Moze se koristiti bez predhodno nanete kreme za lice zbog svoje hidratantne formule.Sitne nepravilnosti pokriva.Zaista mnogo dobar i kvalitetan proizvod od Yves Rocher-a koji obavezno probajte ukoliko volite zdrav,ujednacen i blistav ten.Od mene svaka preporuka za ovu Yves Rocher  BB kremu.

This is my favorite BB cream I just adore. Well to start with the details and my impressions about this BB cream. Product is placed in a tube of 50 ml and 100 ml. Is available in three shades: light, medium and dark. Mine is in a medium shade. The price of this BB cream is around EUR 20. Contains white tea and pigments that its properties protect skin, equate skin, give radiant and healthy looking skin. This BB cream is a light, creamy and mild structures and formulas. It's not hard on the face, not peck, it had not caused any irritation and redness on the face.White tea in combination with aphloria extract protects the skin from outside conditions. Offers 6 separate benefits for beauty skin. It has SPF 20 which is a great thing, and seldom to which BB cream has a protective factor. I rarely use foundations, this BB cream became an indispensable part of a makeup routine. It gives me the radiant, smooth skin but does not create the feeling mask and wonderful hydrates the skin. Beautiful scents. One layer is enough for me, but it can also be a cause, and two. It is suitable to be used each days.I love the natural effect that gives in face. This BB cream I apply with fingers, so all of the nice blend with  Beauty blender. Great acting and blends in with the rest of my make-up on  face. Slow to spend. It is easily dosed and rub into the skin on the face. Long-lasting.Can be used without a previously inflicted face creams for their hydrated formula. The tiny irregularities covers. A lot of really good and high-quality product from Yves Rocher-and which you must try if you like healthy, smooth and glowing complexion. From me all recommendation for this BB cream Yves Rocher.

Swatch of Yves Rocher peau parfaite 6in1 BB cream| medium shade

My favorite BB cream

Da li ste koristili ovu  Yves Rocher 6in1 BB kremu?Koja je Vasa omiljena BB krema?
Do you try this  Yves Rocher 6in1 BB cream?Which is your favorites BB cream?


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