DIY Valentine's day chocolate pretzels

фебруар 12, 2018

U duhu predstojeceg dana zaljubljenih pripremila sam jedan jako jednostvan recept-Cokoladne perece.Pored toga sto je jako ukusan i jednostavan ,ovaj slatkis je jako dekorativan i divno ce izgledati na stolu.
In the spirit of the Valentine's day I've prepared a very simple recipe-Chocolate pretzels. In addition to being very yummy and easy, this treats is very decorative and will look great on the table.

DIY Valentine's day chocolate pretzels

  • 100g pereca
  • 100g mlecne/crne cokolade
  • 100g bele cokolade
  • 2 kasike ulja
  • 2 kasike mleka
  • dekoracija po zelji
  • 100g pretzels
  • 100g milk/dark chocolate
  • 100g white chocolate
  • 2 spoon of oil
  • 2 spoon of milk
  • dectoration as you wish

So sweet and decorative 
Prvo sto cemo uraditi jeste naprviti cokoladnu glazuru.U serpi stavite mlecnu/crnu cokoladu,kasiku ulja i kasiku mleka.Stavite na srednjoj temperaturi i mesajte sve dok se cokolada ne istopi.U drugoj serpi stavite belu cokoladu,kasiku ulja i kasiku mleka,stavite na srednjoj temperaturi i mesajte sve dok se cokolada ne istopi.Ostavite obe serpe da se malo ohlade.Kad se cokolade malo ohlade,uranjajte jedan kraj perece u cokoladu.Kombinujte malo mlecne/crne cokolade malo bele cokolade.Moze cak jedan kraj perece biti braon,a drugi beo.Na kraju pospite dekoraciju po zelji preko cokolade i Vas ukusni slatkis je spreman.

The first thing we're going to do is create a chocolate glaze/topping. In the pot, put milk/dark chocolate, a spoon of oil and a spoon of milk. Put it on medium temperature and stay out of this until the chocolate doesn't melt. In another pot, put white chocolate, a spoon of oil and a spoon of milk, put it on the medium temperature and stay out of this until the chocolate doesn't melt. Leave both the bowls to cool down a bit. When the chocolate a little cool down, immerse one end of a pretzel in the chocolate. Combine a little milk/black chocolate, a little white chocolate. May even  one end of a pretzel be the brown, and the other white. Finally sprinkle with decorations in any way you wish over the chocolate and make you a delicious candy is ready.
Yummy treats 

Chocolate pretzels 

Bon Appetit!

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