Avon Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance night cream| Review

фебруар 20, 2018

Avon zaista nudi kvalitetne kreme,za svaki tip koze moze se naci adekvatna krema,imaju pristupacne cene i cesto su na raznim popustima.Ispobala sam razne njihove kremice ali najvise mi se dopala upravo ova iz linije  Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance o kojoj danas pisem nesto vise tj. u nastavku sledi detaljna recenzija ove Avon-ove kreme.

Avon offers a really high-quality creams, for each type of skin can be found adequate cream, have affordable prices and often at various discounts. I've tried a variety of their creams but the most liked this just out of in line Effect Active Moisture+  Radiance of which today I write something more,and below follows the detailed reviews of this Avon cream.

Avon Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance night cream

Avon  Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance je linija za dubinsku hidrataciju,blistavost i obnavljanje koze lica.Pored ove nocne kreme o kojoj danas pisem ,u ovoj liniji postoji naravno i dnevna krema kao i tonirana krema koju sam takodje probala i zaista je odlican proizvod.Pa da krenemo sa detaljima i mojim utiscima o ovoj Avon True Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance  nocnoj kremi.Krema se nalazi u staklenoj ambalazi.Sadrzi 50ml proizvoda.Krema je bele boje.Jako bogate i hidratatne strukture.Sadrzi ekstrakt semenki cveta Rajska ptica.Ne sadrzi ulja.Divno mirise i mogu slobodno reci da je ovo krema sa najlepsim mirisom koju sam do sada isprobala.Standardna cena ove kreme je 950 RSD,sto je zaista pristupacna cena za ovako kvalitetnu nocnu kremu.Cesto je na raznim popustima.Moze se naci u svakom Avon katalogu ili na njihovom sajtu.Ja je koristim nakon dubinskog ciscenja koze,pred spavanje.Ujutru se budim sa mekom i blistavom kozom.Zaista se oseti ta hidratacija koja je istaknuta za ovu liniju krema.Ponekad je stavim pre BB kreme i odlicno se ponasa na licu.Imam normalni tip koze,ali ne odgovaraju mi sve kreme za lice.Ova krema je namenjena za sve tipove koze kao  i za osetljivu kozu sto je odlicna stvar.Iako pise da je ovo gel krema necete imati osecaj gela na licu vec bogate hidratatne kreme.Ono sto sam primetila duzom upotrebom ove nocne kreme jeste da mi je koza na dodir meka i glatka,blistava i obnovljena.Ujednacen ten je isto primetan.Zelim da naglasim da je ova krema alergoloski i dermatoloski  testirana i da ne sadrzi parabene,ftalate i boje.Lagane je strukture,brzo upija i bez osecaja zatezanja,peckanja i tezine na licu.Preporucujem je svima,jer  je hidratacija kljuc lepe i negovane koze.

Avon Nutra  Effect Active Moisture + Radiance line is for deep hydration, radiance and the renewal of the skinface. In addition to these night creams that I write today, in this line exist of course and day cream and tinted moisturizer which I too tried and it really is a great product. So let's start with the details and my impressions about this Avon True  Effect Active Moisture + Radiance night cream. The cream is placed in a glass packaging. Contains 50 ml product. The cream is white. Very rich and hydrated structure.Contains extract of seeds blooms of the paradise bird.No contains oil. The wonderful smells and can I just say that this is a cream with the most beautiful fragrance I've tried so far. The standard price of this cream is 950 RSD, which is really quite affordable price for such a quality night cream. This cream is often on the various discounts. It can be found in any Avon catalog or on their site. I use it after a deep cleaning of the skin, before I go to sleep. I wake up in the morning with soft and radiant skin. I really feel that hydration, which is featured on for this line of cream. Sometimes I put it before the BB creams and great acts on the face.I have a normal type of skin, but does not correspond to me all face creams. This cream is designed for all skin types as well as for sensitive skin which is a great thing. Even though it says that this is the gel cream you won't have the feeling of the gel on your face already rich hydrated cream. What I noticed longer using this night cream is that my skin is soft and smooth to the touch, radiant and restored. Complexion is uniform the same notable. I want to reiterate that this cream allergic and dermatologist-tested and that does not contains parabens, phthalates, and colors. The lightweight structure, quickly absorbed and no sense of tension, tingling sensation and  weight on face. I recommend to everyone, because it is the hydration key beautiful and nurtured skin.

Very good structure 

My current favorite night cream 

Da li ste koristili ovu Avon Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance nocnu kremu?Koju kremu mi preporucujete iz Avon-a?
Did you use this Avon Nutra Effect Active Moisture + Radiance night cream?Which cream you recommend me from Avon?


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