Favorites October/November 2017

децембар 13, 2017

Nakon letnjih favorita,usledio je hladniji period u kome sam koristila vise proizvode za negu nego samu sminku sto se moze videti i po samim favoritima.Naravno medju favorite nasli su se i neki makeup proizvodi kojim sam jako zadovoljna.

After the summer Favorites, was followed by a cooler period in which I used more products than care alone make up what can be seen by the very favorites. Of course, among the favorites were found and some makeup products, which I'm very pleased.

Favorites October/November 2017
Prvi proizvod koji bih navela i koji mi je definitivno i jedan od favorita godine jeste cuveni Benefit Hoola bronzer.Verujem da nema osobe koja nije cula za njega.Koristila sam ga i kao bronzer i za konturisanje kao i senku.Ovaj proizvod je jako pigmentisan ,lako se blenda,divne bronzane  boje sa hladnim podtonom.Odgovarace svima.Definitivna preporuka za ovaj Benefit-ov proizvod.Maskaru koju sam tokom ovog perioda najvise koristila jeste Rimmel Super curler.Daje solidan volumen i odlicno uvija trepavice.Ukoliko to trazite od jedne maskare trk u prvu drogeriju ili parfimeriju i kupite ovu maskaru.Sto se tice proizvoda za kosu izdvojila bih Batiste suvi sampon.Trenutno koristim Batiste blush sa divanim cvetni mmirisom.Odlican proizvod,divan miris,mala kolicina je dovoljna da vrati kosi volumen i da izgleda sveze.Od proizvoda za negu kojima sam jako zadovoljna jesu The body Shop tea tree oil-predobro ulje koje se koristi kada Vam izadje neka bubuljica.Zatim Avon Care youth resore losion za telo-divan miris,sadrzi kolagen i elastin,matira kozu,redovnom upotrebom mozete videti neke rezultate, odlicno hidrira,brzo upija,a koza je meka i glatka na dodir.Poslednji favorit jesu Lycia trake za depilaciju lica za osetljivu kozu.Jedino mi ove trakice nisu izazvale iritaciju koze,pa ih preporucujem osobama koje imaju isti problem.

The first product that I cited, and that is definitely one of the favorites of the year is the fabled Benefit Hoola bronzer. I believe that there is no person who has not heard of it. I used it as a bronzer and for contour as well ,as a shadow. This product is very pigmented, it's easy to blend, beautiful bronze color with cool undertones. Answer to everyone. A definite recommendation for this Benefit's product.Mascara I've used most during this period is Rimmel Super curler. It gives a solid volume and great curling lashes. If you're looking for than one mascara run into the first drugstore or perfumery shop and buy this mascara. As far as products for hair I'd allotted Batiste dry shampoo. Currently I use Batiste blush with floral scent.I'm saying great product, wonderful smell, a little amount is enough to give your hair volume and make it look fresh.Of products for the care with which I'm very pleased they are The body Shop tea tree oil-the oil that is too good to use when you go out make a pimple. Then the Avon Care youth restore body lotion-lovely scent, it contains collagen and elastin, mature skin,regular use can see some results, great hydrates, fast-absorbing, and the skin is soft and smooth to the touch. The last favorites are Lycia strips for facial wax for sensitive skin. The only thing these strips is no cause irritations, so I would recommend them to people who have the same problem.
Benefit Hoola bronzer

Rimmel Super Curler mascara

Batiste Dry Shampoo

The Body Shop tea tree oil

Avon youth restore body lotion

Lycia hair removal strips

Ovo su moji favoriti oktobra/novembra 2017.Koji su Vasi?Da li ste neke proizvode koristili?Pisite mi u komentarima svoje utiske i preporuke.These are my favorites in october/november 2017. Which are your? If you have some products use? Write in the comments your impressions and recommendations.


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