Garnier Micellar cleansing gel wash | Review
децембар 06, 2017
Pre gotovo dva meseca setajuci se po lokalnoj Lilly drogeriji naisla sam na ovaj Garnier Micellar gel za ciscenje lica.Tada je ovaj proizvod bio relativno nov na trzistu,pa sam odlucila da ga kupim i isprobam,a i trebao mi je nov gel za ciscenje lica.
Almost two months ago, walking around the local Lilly drugstore I came on this Garnier Micellar cleansing gel wash. That's when this product was relatively new on the drugstore, so I decided to buy it and try it out, and I needed a new cleansing gel for face.
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Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash |
Od prvog koriscenja postao mi je omiljeni gel za ciscenje lica.Pored toga ovaj gel najmenjen je i za skidanje sminke sa lica.Nalazi se u providnom pakovanju sa kvalitetnom pumpicom roze boje.Gel je bezbojne boje srednje gustine,blagog svezeg mirisa sa neznom formulom.Dermatoloski i oftamoloski je ispitan.Sadrzi 200ml proizvoda.Cena ovog gela je 380 RSD.Namenjen je osetljivoj kozi,mada po mom misljenju odgovarace svima.Tek kada sam stigla kuci nakon kupovine shvatila sam da je ovaj gel namenjen i za skidanje sminke sa ociju sto me je jako obradovalo jer retko naidjem na takav proizvod.Sminku,narocito maskaru skida poput magije.Mala kolicina gela je dovoljna da se sva sminka sa lica skine.Nanosi se na mokro lice,blago umasira ,daje dobru penu i samo se ispere vodom.Nakon ciscenja u ogledalu cete videti svoje savrseno ociscenjeno lice.Moj veciti problem oko skidanja sminke sa ociju je ovaj Garnier gel resio za manje od jednog minuta.Temeljno cisti kozu lica,skida perfektno sminku,visak sebuma i necistoca hvata poput magneta.I verujte ne preterujem kada pisem ovu cinjenicu,zaista je tako.Velika,velika prednost ovog gela je sto ne iritira oci tokom ciscenja.Ta cinjenica ga cini po meni jako kvalitetnim proizvodom i rado cu ga kupovati.Ciscenje lica postalo mi je uzivanje zahvaljujuci ovom Garnier gelu.Ukoliko imate problem kada skidate sminku i kada Vam vecito nesto ostaje na licu od sminke(posebno maskara),obavezno isprobajte ovaj gel.Definitivno ga preporucujem svima.
From the very first use of became my favorite gel for cleansing the face. In addition, this gel is intended for removing makeup from the face. It is located in transparent packaging with high-quality pink pump. The gel is transparent color medium density, mild fresh scent with a subtle formula. Dermatologist-and ophthalmologically-was questioned. Contains 200 ml product. The price of this gel is 380 RSD. It is intended for sensitive skin, although in my opinion they will answer to everyone. It was only when I arrived home after shopping I realized that this gel intended for removing makeup with eyes what made me very happy because rarely do I meet on such a product. Makeup, especially mascara takes off like magic.A small amount of gel is enough to get all the makeup off your face off. It is applied on wet face, the treasure, the product gives a good mousse and just rinse with water. After cleaning in the mirror you will see your perfect clean face. My eternal problem with removing makeup from the eyes is this Garnier gel decided in less than one minute. Thoroughly clean the skin of the face, takes perfect makeup, excess sebum and dirt like a magnet catches. And believe me I'm not exaggerating when I write this fact, it is indeed.A big, big advantage of this gel it does not irritates the eyes during cleaning. This fact makes him to me, very high quality product and I'd be happy to buy it. Cleaning of the face became my enjoyment thanks to this Garnier gel. If you have a problem when remove the makeup, and when you are being something stays on the face of makeup (especially mascara), be sure to try out this gel. Definitely recommend it to everyone.
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