Favorites May/2017
јун 12, 2017
Mesec maj se zavrsio,a ovo su moji majski favoriti.Ove proizvode sam najvise koristila tokom ovog meseca i prenosim Vam svoje utiske o njima.
The month of may ended, and these are my favorites may. I've used most of these products during this month, and I bring you their impressions of them.
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Favorites May/2017 |
Pierre Rene chic gloss:
Ovog meseca sam najvise koristila ovaj sjaj za usne.Divna roze nijansa sa plavim sljokicama idealna za svaki dan.Jako je kremast i hidrira usne.Nijansa je u broju 09.
Pierre Rene chic gloss:
This month I'm most used this lip gloos. A wonderful pink shade with blue tinsel, ideal for every day. It's very creamy and hydrates the lips. Shadow is in the number of 09.
Catrice liquid camouflage concealer:
Odlican korektor.O ovom korektoru cu pisati uskoro posebnu recenziju.
Catrice liquid camouflage concealer:
Perfect concealer. About this I'll soon write it a special review.
Avon Cherish roll-on anti-perspirant deodorant:
Divan slatkasto-cvetni miris,idealan za ovaj period godine.Koristila sam ga tokom celog meseca.Daje svezinu i na kozi ostaje par sati.Uzavala sam koristeci ga.
Avon Cherish roll-on anti-perspirant deodorant:
A wonderful sweet-floral scent, perfect for this time of year. I used it during the whole month. Gives the fresh and it remains on skin for a couple of hours. I enjoy using it.
Avon Naturals Escape scented spritz:
Ovo je moj omiljeni miris medju svim onim Avon Naturals sprejevima.Sadrzi kokosovu vodu i karambolu,kao i vitamine E i C.Divno osvezava i ovaj miris mene licno jako opusta i asocira na leto.
Avon Naturals Escape scented spritz:
This is my favorite scent among all those Avon Naturals sprays. Contains coconut water and starfruit, as well vitamins E and C. Wonderful refreshes and the smell of me personally really relaxes and associated with summer.
Avon Natural Radiance Rose water:
Jos jedan Avon proizvod iz linije Naturals koji sam koristila tokom maja.Nisam ljubitelj proizvoda koji sadrze miris ruze,ali kod ovog proizvoda miris ruze je jako blag.Ovu ruzinu vodu koristim kao tonik ili kada zelim da osvezim lice.Dobar proizvod po jako pristupacnoj ceni.
Avon Natural Radiance Rose water:
Another Avon Naturals line product that I used during may. I'm not a fan of products that contain the scent of roses, but with this product, the scent of roses is very light. This rose-water use as a tonic, or when I want to I can freshen up the face. A good product at a very affordable price.
Eveline 8in1 intense nail conditioner:
Ukoliko imate neki problem sa noktima obavezno probajte ovaj lak.S procetkom maja moji nokti su bili u jako losoj fazi,i odlucila sam opet da koristim ovaj lak.Verujte nakon 10-ak dana moji nokti su bili preporodjeni.Sve preporuke za njega.O ovom laku sam pisala recenziju koju mozete procitati ovde.
Eveline 8in1 intense nail conditioner:
If you have any problem with your nails you must try this nailpolish. With the start may my nails were in a very bad stage, and I decided again to use this nailpolish. Believe me after 10 days my nails were a reformed. All recommendations for him. About this good I wrote a review which you can read here.
To su moji favoriti maja.Da li ste koristili neki prozivod koji sam navela?Koji su Vasi favoriti?
Veliki pozdrav,
These are my favorites of the may. Did you use any product that I cited? Who are your favorites?
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