Essence Liquid ink waterproof eyeliner |Review
мај 16, 2017
Essence Liquid ink waterproof eyeliner je moj omiljeni eyeliner.Sigurno ste ga vidjali u svakoj drogeriji.Ovo je proizvod standardne Essence kolekcije i uvek ga ima na njihovoj polici.Pored ovog vodootpornog postoji i onaj obican.U danasnjem postu recenziracu ovaj eyeliner i preneti neke svoje utiske.
Essence Liquid ink waterproof eyeliner is my favorite eyeliner. You must have seen him in every drugstore. This is the product of the standard Essence collection and always has it on their shelf. In addition to this there is a waterproof and aslo exists the regular-not waterproof. In today's post I review this eyeliner and convey some of their impressions.
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Essence Liquid ink waterproof eyeliner |
Proizvod se nalazi u plasticnoj ambalazi tirkizno-crne boje.Sadrzi cetkicu sa dlakama.Ja takve cetkice samo i koristim,jer su mi najpreciznije.Cetkica je tanka, srednje duzine,jako je precizna.Sa njom mozete postici jako tanke linije kao i deblje.Eyeliner je crne mat intenzivne boje i sadrzi 3ml proizvoda.Brzo se susi.Cena 340 din .Moze se naci u svakoj drogeriji,Lilly-u,DM-u,Muller-u.Dugo sam trazila eyeliner koji mi se nece razmazati u uglovima oka.Sa ovim eyelinerom sam taj problem resila.Zaista je vodootporan,postojan,ostaje na kapcima ceo dan i ne razmazuje se u uglovima oka.Ima divnu formulu.Lako se skida sredstvom za skidanje sminke.Koristim ga svakog dana.Meni jako odgovara,prosto obozavam ovaj eyeliner.Ovo mi je 3-4 bocica i jako sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom.Preporucujem ga svima,a verujem da ce svima odgovarati.
The product is located in a plastic packaging turquoise-black color. Contains brush applicator. I like that, and i use only this brushes, because they are the most accurate to me. The brush is thin, medium length, very precise. With it you can achieve very thin lines as well as thicker. Eyeliner is black matte with intense colours and contains 3 ml of product. It dries quickly. Price is 3 EUR. It can be found in any drugstore, Lilly, DM, Muller. I have long been looking for eyeliner that won't smear in the corners of the eye. With this eyeliner I decided that problem. It really is waterproof, durable, stays all day on the eyelids and no smudging at the corners of the eye. There's a great formula. Easily removes. I use it every day. To me a very convenient, just I love this eyeliner. This is my 3-4 bottle and i am very pleased with this product. I recommend it to everybody, and I believe that will suit everyone.
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