Golden Rose Miracle Lash mascara
април 21, 2017
Golden Rose generalno ima dobre maskare.Vec sam koristila njihovu Sity Style maskaru i njome sam jako zadovoljna.Danas cu Vam preneti svoje utiske koje sam stekla koristeci ovu Miracele Lash maskaru.
Golden Rose in general has a good mascara. I have already used their City Style mascara and I'm very pleased. Today I'm going to give my impressions that I made using this Miracele Lash mascara.
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Golden Rose Mirecle Lash mascara |
Kupila sam je u Lilly,a moze se naci i u DM,svakoj parfimeriji i drogeriji.Nalazi se u njihovom klasicnom pakovanju zelene boje i roze natpisom.Sadrzi 8ml proizvoda.Kostala je oko 230-240 din.Ima klasicnu silikonsku cetkicu.Iglice su joj ravnomerno rasporedjene i gusto postavljene.Kazu da daje volumen,crnu boju i duzinu.I zaista je tako.Ja obozavam duge trepavice,a sa ovom maskarom to postizem.Daje jako intenzivno crnu boju trepavicama.Svidja mi se da je koristim na dnevnom nivou,jer daje predivne i prirodne trepavice.Kao sto sam vec napisala mojim trepavicama daje divnu duzinu,blagi volumen i pravu crnu boju trepavica.Vrlo dobro rasporedjuje trepavice,bez grudvica.Nosim je tokom celog dana.Ne razmazuje se i ne trusi se.Svakako zasluzuje paznju korisnika.Preporucujem je svima,a pre svega osobama koje vole prirodan izgled trepavica.Ja sam jako zadovoljna ovom maskarom i kupicu je sigurno ponovo.
I bought it at Lilly, and can be found in DM, each perfumery and drugstore. Located in their classical packaging green color and pink label. Contains 8 ml of product. Cost is about 2 EUR. Has that classic silicon brush. The pins are out evenly and densely appointed. They say that gives volume, black colour and length. And indeed it is. I love the long lashes, and with this mascara it accomplish. Gives a very intense black lashes. I like to use it on a daily basis, because it gives a beautiful and natural lashes. As I already wrote my lashes gives a great length, good volume and a real black eye lashes. Very good she's sorting lashes without lumps. I wear it all day. No smudging, and no back up. It certainly deserves the attention of the user. I recommend to everyone, and above all, people who prefer natural looking eyelashes. I am very pleased with this mascara and I'm going to buy again.
Da li ste koristili ovu Golden Rose Miracle Lash maskaru?Kakva su Vasa iskustva sa Golden Rose maskarama?Koja Vam je omiljena?
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If you used this Golden Rose Miracle Lash mascara? What was Your experience with Golden Rose well? Which is your favorite?
I bought it at Lilly, and can be found in DM, each perfumery and drugstore. Located in their classical packaging green color and pink label. Contains 8 ml of product. Cost is about 2 EUR. Has that classic silicon brush. The pins are out evenly and densely appointed. They say that gives volume, black colour and length. And indeed it is. I love the long lashes, and with this mascara it accomplish. Gives a very intense black lashes. I like to use it on a daily basis, because it gives a beautiful and natural lashes. As I already wrote my lashes gives a great length, good volume and a real black eye lashes. Very good she's sorting lashes without lumps. I wear it all day. No smudging, and no back up. It certainly deserves the attention of the user. I recommend to everyone, and above all, people who prefer natural looking eyelashes. I am very pleased with this mascara and I'm going to buy again.
Da li ste koristili ovu Golden Rose Miracle Lash maskaru?Kakva su Vasa iskustva sa Golden Rose maskarama?Koja Vam je omiljena?
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If you used this Golden Rose Miracle Lash mascara? What was Your experience with Golden Rose well? Which is your favorite?
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