Favorites April/2017
април 30, 2017
April je jedan mojim omiljenjih meseca u godini,a ovo su moji favoriti za ovoj mesec.Ima dosta razlicitih proizvoda koje preporucujem svima da isprobaju.
April is one of my favorite months of the year, and these are my favorites for this month. There are a lot of different products that I recommend everyone to try.
April is one of my favorite months of the year, and these are my favorites for this month. There are a lot of different products that I recommend everyone to try.
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Favorites April/2017 |
Lilly losion za telo i ruke sa kokosom:
Moze se naci u svakoj Lilly drogeriji.Cena ovog losiona je jako pristupacna.Sadrzi 300 ml proizvoda u providnoj ambalazi sa pumpicom.Losion je bele bojeNi jedan losion za telo mi ne mirise na kokos kao ovaj.Pravi miris kokosa.Miris ostaje na kozi tokom celog dana.Ima laganu strukturu,brzo upija,ostavljajuci kozu hidriranom,mekom i celog dana mirisnom na kokos.Obozavam ovaj losion i preporucujem ga svima.
Lily body lotion and hand with coconut:
Can be found in every Lilly drugstore. The price of this lotion is really quite affordable. Contains 300 ml of product in transparent packaging with pump. The lotion is a white colored. No one body lotion doesn't smell like coconut like this. The real smell of coconuts. The smell stays on skin throughout the day. Has a light structure, quickly absorbed, leaving the skin hydrated, soft and fragrant all day on a coconut. I love this lotion, and I recommend it to everybody.
Lily body lotion and hand with coconut:
Can be found in every Lilly drugstore. The price of this lotion is really quite affordable. Contains 300 ml of product in transparent packaging with pump. The lotion is a white colored. No one body lotion doesn't smell like coconut like this. The real smell of coconuts. The smell stays on skin throughout the day. Has a light structure, quickly absorbed, leaving the skin hydrated, soft and fragrant all day on a coconut. I love this lotion, and I recommend it to everybody.
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Lilly Body and Hand cream with coconut |
Avon Skin so Soft gel za brijanje:
Ukoliko trazite dobar gel za brijanje onda obavezno probajte ovaj Avonov.Ovo je gust gel.plave boje.Ostaje na kozi sve dok ga ne isperete sa koze.Kozu cini mekom i glatkom.Ne izaziva iritacije,prosto klizi po kozi.Sadrzi ulja belog limnata,hidratantni kompleks i sea puter.Jako prijatnog mirisa.Standardna cena ovog gela je 480 din i sadrzi 150 ml proizvoda.
Avon Skin so Soft shaving cream:
If you're looking for a good shaving gel then you must try this Avon. This is a thick gel,blue color. It remains on the skin until you wash with skin. Skin looks soft and smooth. Does not cause irritation, it glides on your skin. Contains oils white limnat, moisturizing complex and shea butter. Very pleasant scent. Standard price of this gel is 4.20 EUR and contains 150 ml of product
Avon Skin so Soft shaving cream:
If you're looking for a good shaving gel then you must try this Avon. This is a thick gel,blue color. It remains on the skin until you wash with skin. Skin looks soft and smooth. Does not cause irritation, it glides on your skin. Contains oils white limnat, moisturizing complex and shea butter. Very pleasant scent. Standard price of this gel is 4.20 EUR and contains 150 ml of product
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Avon Skin so soft shaving cream |
Maybelline Hydra Extreme ( 506 L )ruz za usne i Impala olovka za usne(233):
Od proizvoda za usne ovog meseca sam najvise koristila ovaj Maybelline Hydra Extreme ruz u nijansi 506 i Impala olovku za usne u nijansi 233.Maybelline Hydra Extreme ruz je jako kremast,usne su meke i jako hidrirane.Obogacen je uljem jojobe i kolagenom.Obozavam da ga koristim tokom dana.Moj je u broju 506 tamno roze nude-mauve nijansa sa sitnim srebrnim simerom.Trenutno je na akciji u Lilly-u i kosta samo 300 din.Pored ovog ruza koristila sam i Impala olovku za usne u nijansi 233.Jako kremasta i dugotrajna olovka za usne.Mat je ali ne isusuje usne.Koralno roze nijansa sa narandzastim podtonom idealna za prolece i leto.
Maybelline Hydra Extreme (506 Laisty lilac) lipstick and lipliner Impala (233):
From products for lips this month I'm most used this Maybelline Hydra Extreme lipstick in shades of 506 and Impala lip pencil in shades of 233. Maybelline Hydra Extreme lipstick is very creamy, lips are soft and hydrated. Enriched with jojoba oil is and collagen. I love to use it during the day. My number is 506 in dark pink nude-mauve shade with tiny silver shimmer. It's currently on sale at Lilly and cost just 2.50 EUR. In addition to this lipstick I used Impala lips pencil in shades of 233. Very creamy and long lasting lipliner. It is mat lipliner but not drying lips. Coral pink shade with orange undertone, ideal for spring and summer.
Maybelline Hydra Extreme (506 Laisty lilac) lipstick and lipliner Impala (233):
From products for lips this month I'm most used this Maybelline Hydra Extreme lipstick in shades of 506 and Impala lip pencil in shades of 233. Maybelline Hydra Extreme lipstick is very creamy, lips are soft and hydrated. Enriched with jojoba oil is and collagen. I love to use it during the day. My number is 506 in dark pink nude-mauve shade with tiny silver shimmer. It's currently on sale at Lilly and cost just 2.50 EUR. In addition to this lipstick I used Impala lips pencil in shades of 233. Very creamy and long lasting lipliner. It is mat lipliner but not drying lips. Coral pink shade with orange undertone, ideal for spring and summer.
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Maybelline Hydra Extreme lipstick and Impala lipliner |
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Lipstick (506) and lipliner (233) |
Yves Rocher Peau Parfaite 6in1 BB krema za lice:
Moje otkrice godine je ova Yves Rocher BB krema.Obozavam je.Celog aprila sam samo nju koristila, s obzirom da pudere gotovo i ne koristim.O ovoj kremi cu posebno pisati u nekom narednom postu.
Yves Rocher Peau Parfaite 6in1 BB cream for face:
My discovery year is this Yves Rocher BB cream. I love her. Around April I just used her, given that foundations over and I don't use. About this cream will specifically write in a forthcoming post.
Yves Rocher Peau Parfaite 6in1 BB cream for face:
My discovery year is this Yves Rocher BB cream. I love her. Around April I just used her, given that foundations over and I don't use. About this cream will specifically write in a forthcoming post.
Flormar lak za nokte (092 Dove Feather) i Malena (17) lak za nokte:
Tokom aprila najvise sa koristila ova dva laka i definitivno su moji favoriti.Oba su jako dugotrajna ,dovoljna su 2 sloja laka i pigmentacija im je odlicna.Flormar lak u 092 Dove Feather- divna bela nijansa sa suptilnim bisernim sjajem.Ide uz sve.Malena 17-prelepa hladno roze nijansa.Idealna za prolece.Oba laka mozete naci u Lilly drogerijama po ceni od 100 din.
Flormar nailpolish (092 Dove Feather) and Malena (17) nailpolish:
Most used during april with these two nailpolish and definitely are my favorites. Both have very long-lasting, are sufficient 2 coats of nailpolish and pigmentation is great. Flormar nail in 092 Dove Feather-a lovely shade of pearly white with a subtle glow. It goes with everything. Malena nailpolish 17-beautiful cold pink shade. Ideal for spring. Both easy you will find in the Lilly drugstores at a cost of 0.81EUR.
Flormar nailpolish (092 Dove Feather) and Malena (17) nailpolish:
Most used during april with these two nailpolish and definitely are my favorites. Both have very long-lasting, are sufficient 2 coats of nailpolish and pigmentation is great. Flormar nail in 092 Dove Feather-a lovely shade of pearly white with a subtle glow. It goes with everything. Malena nailpolish 17-beautiful cold pink shade. Ideal for spring. Both easy you will find in the Lilly drugstores at a cost of 0.81EUR.
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Flormar (092) and Malena 17 nailpolish |
Avon Heavently Hydration ulje za lice:
O ovom ulju sam vec pisala.Detaljnu recenziju mozete procitati ovde.Predivno ulje,divno neguje lice i daje odlicnu hidrataciju.Koristila sam ga tokom celog aprila,i definitivno ce se naci u mojim godisnjim favoritimaSve preporuke za ovo ulje.
Avon Heavently Hydration facial oil:
This oil I already wrote. A detailed review you can read here.Wonderful oil nourishes face and gives an excellent hydration. I used it during the whole of april, and will definitely be in my years favorites.All the recommendation for this oil.
C-Thru Pearl Garden dezodorans:
Ovo je moj omiljeni C-Thru dezodorans.Miris cvetno-slatkast,ma predivan.Obozavam da ga koristim tokom proleca i leta jer miris zaista asocira na ovaj period godine.
C-Thru Pearl Garden deodorant:
This is my favorite C-Thru deodorant. The smell of floral-sweet, wonderful. I love to use it during the spring and summer because scent really associated with this time of year.
Koji su Vasi favoriti aprila?Da li ste koristili neke od ovih proizvoda?
Veliki pozdrav,
Who are Your favourites in april? If you have used any of these products?
Greetings, Aleksandra
Avon Heavently Hydration facial oil:
This oil I already wrote. A detailed review you can read here.Wonderful oil nourishes face and gives an excellent hydration. I used it during the whole of april, and will definitely be in my years favorites.All the recommendation for this oil.
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Avon Heavently Hydration face oil |
C-Thru Pearl Garden dezodorans:
Ovo je moj omiljeni C-Thru dezodorans.Miris cvetno-slatkast,ma predivan.Obozavam da ga koristim tokom proleca i leta jer miris zaista asocira na ovaj period godine.
C-Thru Pearl Garden deodorant:
This is my favorite C-Thru deodorant. The smell of floral-sweet, wonderful. I love to use it during the spring and summer because scent really associated with this time of year.
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C-Thru Pearl Garden deodorant |
Koji su Vasi favoriti aprila?Da li ste koristili neke od ovih proizvoda?
Veliki pozdrav,
Who are Your favourites in april? If you have used any of these products?
Greetings, Aleksandra
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