Babyliss Paris curling iron review
април 12, 2017
Babyliss Paris je francuski brend za licnu negu.Vest da se Babyliss pojavio na srpskom trzistu me je jako obradovala, s obzirom da njihov figaro koristim vec 2 godine.Ovaj figaro sam kupila u Svedskoj.Pored figara postoje i prese za kosu,stajler cetke,multistajleri,automatski keramicki figari,depilatori,vikleri pa cak i IPL epilatori.Postoji i muska linija proizvoda u kojoj se nalaze trimeri i mnogobrojni proizvodi za muskarce.
Babyliss Paris is a French brand of personal care. The news that Babyliss appeared on Serbian market made me very happy, since their I use a curling iron for 2 years. This curling iron I have, I purchased is in Sweden. In addition to the curling iron there and presses for hair , styler, multistyler, automatic ceramic curling iron,depilatories, curlers and even IPL epilators. There is also a male product line consisting of trimmers and numerous products for men.
Kao sto sam vec napisala vec dugo koristim Babyliss Paris figaro,u pitanju je C325E figaro.Cena ovog figara je 4200 din. /34 eur.Precnik grejne cevi je 25mm,ima vrlo glatku povrsinu.Ovo je figaro sa Sublim' touch premazom grejne cevi,sto dodaje sjaj vasoj kosi.Dostize maksimalnu temperaturu do 180 ° c. C.Sadrzi dugacak obrtni kabl.Ima dva prekidaca pomocu kojih se figaro ukljucuje i iskljucuje i crvenu lampicu koja prestaje da treperi kada figaro dostigne zeljenu temperaturu.Na sredini postoji temperaturni regulator pomocu kog podesavate temperaturu (min i max).Na krajnjem vrhu postoji otvor koji je uvek hladan,pomaze prilikom drzanja figara pri uvijanju kose i da se nakon upotrebe zakaci.
As I wrote already for a long time I use Babyliss Paris curling iron,it's a C325E curling iron. The price of this curling iron is 34 EUR. Diameter heating pipes is 25 mm, has a very smooth surface.This is a curling iron with Sublim' touch coating heating pipes,which gives your hair shine. Reaches maximum temperature up to 180 ° c. Contains a long swivel cable. There are two switches with which curling iron includes turning on and off and a red light that stops when it reaches their desired flashing curling iron temperature. In the middle there is a temperature regulator with the adjusting temperature (min and max). At the top there is an opening which is always cool, helps when posture in warping, and curling iron hair to stay after use.
As I wrote already for a long time I use Babyliss Paris curling iron,it's a C325E curling iron. The price of this curling iron is 34 EUR. Diameter heating pipes is 25 mm, has a very smooth surface.This is a curling iron with Sublim' touch coating heating pipes,which gives your hair shine. Reaches maximum temperature up to 180 ° c. Contains a long swivel cable. There are two switches with which curling iron includes turning on and off and a red light that stops when it reaches their desired flashing curling iron temperature. In the middle there is a temperature regulator with the adjusting temperature (min and max). At the top there is an opening which is always cool, helps when posture in warping, and curling iron hair to stay after use.
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Sublim touch coating |
Kada god ne znam sta cu sa kosom,uvek uzmem ovaj figaro.Bukvalno za 10 min imam savrsenu frizuru kao u salonu.Pomocu ovog figara dobijam divne prirodne lokne-talase bas onako kako obozavam.Nisam primetila da mi susi previse kosu,jednostavno nikad ne uvijam kosu na max temperaturi uvek negde na sredini.Ploca figara se nije promenila ni posle 2 godine .I dalje je glatka,kosa prosto na ploci klizi.Prirodne lokne-talase najvise volim.To postizem tako sto uzmem pramen kose i drzim 10 sekundi.Nakon 10 min moja frizura je gotova.Nakon uvijanja,ne stavljam nikakve preparate npr.lakove za kosu jednostavno mi nisu potrebni.Moje prirodne lokne stoje cak i do 3 dana.Prosto obozavam ovaj figaro.
Whenever I don't know what to do with my hair, I always get this curling iron. Literally in 10 min I have perfect hair as in the salon. With this I get wonderful curling iron natural curls waves just as I love. I noticed that my hair dries too, simply never curling hair at max temperature always somewhere in the middle. Plate curling iron has not changed even after 2 year. It's still smooth, hair just slides on the plate. Natural curls-waves I love the most. It achieves by take a lock of hair and hold for 10 seconds. After 10 minutes, my hair is over. After curling, I'm not putting any preparations such as spray for hair I just don't need. My natural curls are even up to 3 days. Simply I very very love this curling iron.
Celokupan njihov asortiman mozete pronaci na njihovom sajtu i samo izaberete zemlju iz koje dolazite.Takodje imaju i facebook stranicu kao i instagram profil pa mozete i tamo pogledati.Svi proizvodi su im jako kvalitetni,vredi uloziti i kupiti ih i veoma dugo traju bez ikakvih promena.Sve pohvale i preporuke za Babyliss Paris!
All of their product range you can find on their web site and choose the country from which you are coming. They also have a facebook page as well as instagram profile so you can look there. All products are very high quality, it's worth invest and buy them and very long duration without any changes. All praise and recommendations for Babyliss Paris!
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Do you have a Babyliss Paris product? What are Your impressions?
Whenever I don't know what to do with my hair, I always get this curling iron. Literally in 10 min I have perfect hair as in the salon. With this I get wonderful curling iron natural curls waves just as I love. I noticed that my hair dries too, simply never curling hair at max temperature always somewhere in the middle. Plate curling iron has not changed even after 2 year. It's still smooth, hair just slides on the plate. Natural curls-waves I love the most. It achieves by take a lock of hair and hold for 10 seconds. After 10 minutes, my hair is over. After curling, I'm not putting any preparations such as spray for hair I just don't need. My natural curls are even up to 3 days. Simply I very very love this curling iron.
Celokupan njihov asortiman mozete pronaci na njihovom sajtu i samo izaberete zemlju iz koje dolazite.Takodje imaju i facebook stranicu kao i instagram profil pa mozete i tamo pogledati.Svi proizvodi su im jako kvalitetni,vredi uloziti i kupiti ih i veoma dugo traju bez ikakvih promena.Sve pohvale i preporuke za Babyliss Paris!
All of their product range you can find on their web site and choose the country from which you are coming. They also have a facebook page as well as instagram profile so you can look there. All products are very high quality, it's worth invest and buy them and very long duration without any changes. All praise and recommendations for Babyliss Paris!
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