Hada Labo lotion super hydrator |Review

јул 11, 2019

Verujem da nema osobe koja nije cula,videla ili cak koristila ovaj Hada Labo super hidrator.Sa ovim brendom prvi put sam se susrela pre par meseci i od tog dana ga svakodnevno koristim i neizostavni je deo moje nege lica.U nastavku moji utisci o ovom japanskom proizvodu i sama recenzija.

I believe that there is no person who has not heard, seen or even used this Hada Labo super hydrator. I first met this brand a few months ago and since that day I use it every day and is an inevitable part of my face care. Below are my impressions of this Japanese product and reviews.

Hada Labo lotion super hydrator 

Proizvod se nalazi u velikoj bocici od 150ml.Sadrzi pumpicu i dobar dvostruki poklopac.Hidrator je bez mirisa i boje.Cena mu je oko 2000 RSD ,a cesto je na raznim popustima.Moze se naci u DM i Lilly drogerijama kada je u pitanju Srbija.Ekonomican,mala kolicina je dovoljna za potpuni i dovoljan  efekat.Dakle,trajace Vam mesecima.Vodenaste i lagane teksture .Ovaj hidrator brzo upija,hrani ,prodire u najdublje slojeve koze i usporava starenje.Ono sto sam ja primetila koriscenjem ovog proizvoda jeste osecaj svezine na licu ,kao i blago zatezanje.Nakon dva meseca koriscenja mogu reci da mi je blage borice popunio.Na bazi je 3 tipa  hijaluronske kiseline.Ono sto me je posebno odusevilo kod ovog proizvoda jeste da daje dovoljno hidratacije pri samo jednom nanosenju.Od kada ga koristim nisam imala problema sa dehidratacijom.Nije mi izazvao nikakve iritacije na kozi. Praktican je proizvod kada nemam dovoljno vremena za punu negu,a zelim potpunu hidrataciju samo nanaesem ovaj losion.Najcesce koristim dve pumpice losiona koji nanosim na celo lice,vrat i dekolte,a cesto i na ruke.Mislim da ce svim tipovima odgovarati.Zanimljiv podatak je taj sto se na svake 2 sekunde proda jedan ovaj Hada Labo  losion na japanskom trzistu.Jedinu zamerku sto se tice ovog proizvoda imam sto se tice pumpice.Ne radi bas savrseno,citala sam da su je menjali ali ne radi bas najsjajnije.To ne umanjuje nikako kvalitet ovoj losiona.Kada ga bude potrosila sto nece biti uskoro zbog velike kolicine,definitivno cu ga ponovo kupiti.

The product is in a large bottle of 150ml.Contain pump and a good double cover. The hydrator is without scent and colorless. The price is about 2000 RSD and is often at various discounts. It can be found in DM and Lilly drugstores when it comes to Serbia .Economic, small quantity is enough for a complete and sufficient effect. Therefore, it will last for months. Lightweight and watery texture. This hydrator quickly absorbs, nourish, penetrates the deepest layers of the skin and slows down aging. What I noticed by using this product is the feeling freshness on the face, as well as gentle tightening. After two months of use I can say that the mild wrinkles have filled.On the base there are 3 types of hyaluronic acid.What especially excites me in this product is to give enough hydration in just one application. From when I use it I have not had problems with dehydration. It did not cause me any irritation on the skin.It is a useful product when I do not have enough time for full care, and I want complete hydration only by applying this lotion. I use two pump lotions I apply on even face, neck and neckline, and often on my hands. I think it will suit all skin types. It's interesting fact to know that this Hada Labo lotion is sold every 2 seconds on the Japanese market. The only complaint about this product is what I have It pump does not work perfectly well, I read that it was changed, but it does not work the barely brightest. It does not decrease the quality of this lotion. When it is spent that will not be soon because of a large quantity, I will definitely buy it again.

 Lightweight and watery texture

Da li ste koristili ovaj Hada Labo super hidrator?Sta mi preporucujete od Hada Labo proizvoda?
Did you use this Hada Labo super hydrator? What do you recommend me from Hada Labo products?


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