Foreo Luna play plus |Review

јун 07, 2019

Da bi nam koza bila lepa i negovana moramo je dobro i temeljno ocistiti.Ciscenje je osnova,a zatim kremice,serumi i ostali proizvodi za negu.Mnogo sam citala i cula lepih komentara i utiska o ovom uredjaju i resila da kupim sto sam i ucinila sredinom marta,a samo ciscenje uz ovaj apart  nakon dva meseca podignut  na visi nivo.U nastavku procitajte moje utiske i sve o Foreo Luna play plus uredjaju za ciscenje lica.

In order for our skin to be beautiful and nourished we have to clean it good and thoroughly. Cleaning is the basis, then creams, serums and other products for care. I have read and heard great comments and impressions about this device and I decided to buy what I did in the middle of March, and just cleaning with this device after two months lifted to a higher level. Read my impressions below and all about Foreo Luna play plus device for  facial cleansers.

Foreo Luna play plus 

U pitanju je Svedski brend lansiran 2013.godine,a svetski je postao poznat upravo po ovim Foreo Luna  uredjajima za ciscenje lica.Pored ovog Foreo Luna play plus o kome Vam danas pisem,postoje i jos Foreo Luna modeli za ciscenje lica,ISSA cetkice za zube ,IRIS masazeri za predeo oko oka i UFO pametna maska za lice.Foreo Luna play plus je uredjaj koji mozete naci u vise boja,a kod nas ga ima u ljubicastoj kao sto ja imam i u roze boji.Plus u imenu oznacava vecu povrsinu glave cetke.Cena ovog Foreo Luna play plus uredjaja je 5800 RSD /49 EUR.Mozete ga naci i kupiti u DM drogerijama ili na njihovom foreo sajtu .Uredjaj je takvih dimenzija da staje na dlan.Radi na jednu AAA bateriju koja se  moze zameniti.Jedna ta baterija ima 400 upotreba od po 1 min sto ga cini beskonacnim uredjajem.Cisti lice sonicnim pulsiranjem.To znaci 8000 transdermalnih sonicnih ( T-sonic) pulsiranja u 1 minutu.Ceo aparat je od medicinskog silikona,100 % vodootporan,koji je neporozan,hipoalargen,brzo se susi nakon ispiranja i sto je najvaznije bakterije se ne sakupljaju na cetki sto ga cini 100% higijenskim.To je po mom misljenju najvaznije.Nema menjanja cetke te ga cini ekonomicnim uredjajem. Uredjaj je upakovan u malo plasiticno pakovanje zajedno sa uputsvom i silikonskom plocicom kojom se nanosi gel za ciscenje.Posto je uredjaj malih dimenzija idealan je za putovanja pa ga mozete nositi svuda sa sobom.Moji utisci su sledeci.Uredjaj  koristim dva puta dnevno dakle ujutru i uvece uz Balea gelove i kreme za ciscenje lica kao i uz Ziaja micelarni piling gel.Preporuka je da se koriste blaga sredstava za ciscenje lica.Ali ovaj Ziaja piling gel apsolutno nezan gel  i  nije ostetio vlakna na uredjaju.Na samom vrhu uredjaja su vece silikonske iglice nazovimo tako vlakna uredjaja.Tim delom sam tretirala T zonu,a ostalim sredisnjim delom.Uredjaj pokvasim ,prethodno umijem lice vodom samo,nanesem gel ili kremu za ciscenje,ukljucim aparat kruznim pokretima ocistim lice za 1 minut i to je sve.Ceo proces ciscenja je lak i brz te oduzima minimalno vremena.I zaista znacajno pomaze u ciscenju lica.Nakon dva meseca svakodnevnog ciscenja primetila sam da mi koza ima divan prirodan zdrav izgled i sjaj.Da mi je koza nestvarno meka i glatka na dodir.Ovakvim nacinom ciscenja lica dovelo je do toga da mi  svi mitiseri sa lica nestanu.Odlicno uklanja mitisere posebno u predelu nosa.Ten mi je ujednacen,a sama tekstura koze lepsa.Nakon samo jedne upotrebe koza je meka i nezna.Ciscenje je ujedno i nezno i efikasno.Poboljsava apsorpciju proizvoda za negu,necistoce cisti savrseno, kao i mrtve celije sa lica.Umanjuje sebum na licu.Ono sto me je apsolutno odusevilo jeste jedna stvar na samom pocetku koriscenja ovog Foreo uredjaja.Na kozi sam imala neke suve delove,krenula sam da cistim ovim uredjajem lice i od tog dana nisam imala taj problem uopste.Cak sta vise koza mi se nije perutala,bila suva ili bilo kakve iritacije,crvenilo,svrab ili pojava bubuljica,dakle nikakav negativan utisak..Daje blagu masazu i spa ugodjaj.Pogodan je za sve tipove koze.Ne mogu napisati nista negatino  jer zaista odlican uredjaj.Mana po mom misljenju nema.Jednom recju obozavam ovaj Foreo uredjaj za ciscenje lica.Vredi svakog dinara,cena definitivno opravdava kvalitet ovog Foreo Luna play plus uredjaja.Zasluzuje najvecu ocenu po mom misljenju i preporucila bih je apsolutno svakome.

This is the Swedish brand launched in 2013, and the world has become famous for this Foreo Luna device. In addition to this Foreo Luna play plus, which I am writing to you today, there are also has other Foreo Luna device facial cleansers, ISSA brushes for teeth, IRIS masseurs for eye area and UFO smart facial mask. Well, Luna play plus is a device that you can find in many colors, and in Serbia it has a purple as it is my and pink color. The plus in the name indicates a larger head surface The price of this Foreo Luna play plus device is 5800 RSD / 49 EUR. You can find it and buy it in DM drugstores or on their foreo website . It has such dimensions that it stays on the hand. It works on one AAA battery that can be replaced. One this battery has 400 uses of 1 minute, making it an infinite device. It cleans the face with sonic pulsation. This means 8000 transdermal sonic (T-sonic) pulsations in 1 minute.The whole device is made from medical silicone, 100% waterproof, which is non-porous, hypoallergenic, quickly dries after washing, and the most important bacteria are not collected on the brush making it 100% hygienic. This is, in my opinion, the most important. No change in brushes makes him an economical device. The device is packaged in a little plasitic package together with an instruction and a silicone plate that uses a cleaning gel. The small size device is ideal for traveling, so you can carry it anywhere with you. My impressions are the following. I use it twice a day, so in the morning and in the night with Balea gels and creamy facial cleansers as well as with Ziaja micellar scrub gel. The recommendation is to use mild facial cleansers. But this Ziaja scrub gel is absolutely gentle and does not damage the fibers on the device. At the top of the device are larger silicone needles.We call the needles fiber devices.I treated the T zone with this part of device, and the rest of the central part.First drench with water my Luna play plus, wash my face with water only, apply a gel or a cleansing cream, I turn on the appliance with circular movements, clean the face for 1 minute, and that's all. The whole process of cleaning is easy and fast it takes very little time. It really helps in cleansing the face. After two months of daily cleansing. I noticed that the skin has a beautiful, natural healthy look and glow. My skin is soft and smooth on the touch. With this method of cleansing the face, it has led to we are all the blackheads on my face was gone. It removes perfect blackhead especially in the nose area. My skin is uniform and the texture of the skin is beautiful. After only one use  the skin is soft and smooth. The cleaning is also gentle and effective. It improves the absorption of products for care, uncleanness cleans perfectly, as well as dead cells from the face. It reduces sebum on the face.What absolutely excited me is one thing at the very beginning of using this Foreo device. I had some dry parts on the skin, I started to clean face with this device and since that day I did not have this problem at all. Even more skin are not dried,or any irritation, redness, itching or appearance of the pimples therefore, no negative impression.It gives a gentle massage and spa comfort. It is suitable for all types of skin. I can not write anything negatively because  it's excellent device.In my opinion, this device has no flaw.In one word I very love this Foreo device.Worth every dinars, the price definitely justifies the quality of this Foreo Luna play plus device.It deserves the highest grade in my opinion and I would recommend it absolutely to everyone.

Da li koristite ovaj ili neki drugi Foreo uredjaj?Kakvi su Vasi utisci?
Do you use this or any other Foreo device? What are your impressions?


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