My current skincare routine |spring/summer 2018

мај 21, 2018

Nega i ciscenje lica ujutru i uvece je neizostavni deo moje rutine.Moja nega lica se menja u zavisnosti od godisnjih doba,a za danas sam pripremila post kako ja negujem kozu lica tokom proleca i leta i koje proizvode koristim i koje Vam preporucujem.

The care and cleansing of the face in the morning and night is always an inevitable part of my routine. My skincare routine is changing depending on the seasons, and today I have prepared a post how I nourish  my skin during spring and summer and  which products I use and recommend to you.

Moj tip koze je normalan bez problema sto se tice bubuljica i akni sa minimalno vidjivim porama.Svoju kozu cistim ujutru i uvece.Prvi korak u ciscenju jeste umivanje toplom vodom.Nikad ne koristite vrelu vodu jer cete time isusti kozu.Nakon toga uzimam svoje cetke za ciscenje i nanosim gel za ciscenje lica.Ovu roze cetku sam narucila preko interneta,a ova mala silikonska cetka je iz Avona.Obe rade odlicno i jako sam zadovoljna.Ovu Avon-ovu cesto koristim ujutru jer je jako blaga i efikasna,a ovu roze uvece kada treba da skinem sminku i temeljno ocistim lice.Od gelova za ciscenje trenutno koristim ovaj Garnier i nema boljeg za skidanje sminke.Potrosila sam vec 3 bocice ovog gela i to Vam sve govori.Nista Vam bolje nece skinuti sminku sa ociju i lica od njega.Ukoliko je dan kada treba da uradim piling lica to uradim u ovom koraku.Koristim ovaj Herbalife piling.Piling lica mi je obavezan i radim ga 1-2 puta nedeljno.Ukoliko imam sminku na licu,prvo je uklonim ovim Byphasse mlekom koje mnogo volim,pa nakon toga cistim lice.Nakon toga temeljno isperem lice i peskirom nezno obrisem visak vode.U sledecem koraku koristim tonik ili micelarnu vodu radi sigurnosti da sam ocistila kozu,a i da bi dodatno osvezila lice.Ovaj Bioten tonik je odlican za prolece i leto divno osvezava lice.Sacekam da mi se koza lica totalno osusi i ovim korakom sam zavrsila ciscenje lica.Sada sledi nega lica.Ujutru koristim ovu Cien kremu,a uvece Avon nuttra effect kremu.Obe daju divnu hidrataciju,ali ja volim da dodam jos pa nakon krema stavljam i ovo Avonovo ulje.Cisto lice odrzavam ovom Puzzle kremom i The Body Shop ulje cajnog drveta.Ova dva proizvoda namenjena su za resavanje problema sa bubuljicama i odlicni su.Sve proizvode koje sam navela preporucujem svima.

My skin type is normal without any problems with the pimples and acne with minimal visible pores. I clean my skin in the  every morning and in the night. The first step in cleaning is washing with lukewarm water. Never use hot water, because you will dry your skin. After that, I take my brushes for cleaning and applying a face cleansing gel. I ordered this pink brush over the internet, and this small silicone brush is from Avon. They work very well and I am very satisfied. This Avon is often used in the morning because it is very mild and effective, and this pink on the evening when I need to remove makeup on the face and thoroughly clean the face. From the gel cleaning I currently use this Garnier and there is no better for removing the makeup. I've already done 3 bottles of this gel and it tells you everything. You will not remove makeup get better with your eyes and face from him.If it is a day when I have to do facial scrub do it in this step. I use this Herbalife peeling. Facial scrub is optional and I do it 1-2 times a week. If I have makeup on face, first remove with this milk Byphasse that I love so much, so after that clean my face. After that, rinse thoroughly and with towel gently wipe off excess water. In the next step I use tonic or micellar water just to be safe I'll clean up the skin, and even if it would further the face refreshed it. This Bioten is a great tonic for the spring and summer of wonderful refreshes face.I wait for my skin face to completely dry out and with this step I have finished cleansing the face. Now follow my skin care. In the morning I use this Cien cream, and in the evening Avon nuttra effect cream. They give wonderful moisture, but I like to add more and so I put this Avon oil. I keep clean face with this Puzzle Cream and The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil. These two products are designed to solve the problems with the pimples and are excellent. All the products I have listed recommend to everyone.

Ovo je moja trenutna rutina u ciscenju i nezi lica.Kako Vi negujete i cistite lice?Koje proizvode koristite i sta mi preporucujete?
This is my current routine in cleansing and care of the face. How do you nourish and clean your face? What products do you use and what do you recommend?


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