NYX HD Photogenic Concealer |Review

април 09, 2018

Svi znamo da NYX ima zaista kvalitetne proizvode,a ja sam se uverila totalno koriscenjem ovog NYX  HD Photogenic korektora.Moje utiske i samu recenziju  procitajte u nastavku posta.
We all know that NYX has really high-quality products, and I am convinced by the total use of this NYX HD Photogenic Corrector. Please read my impressions and the review itself in the continuation of the posWe all know that NYX has really high-quality products, and I am convinced by the total use of this NYX HD Photogenic concealer. Read my impressions and the review in the continuation of the post.

NYX HD photogenic concealer 

Korektor se nalazi u klasicnom plasticnom pakovanju sa sundjerastim aplikatorom.Sadrzi 3g proizvoda.Moze se naci u svakoj alexandar cosmetics radnji kao i na njihovom sajtu.Cena ovog korektora je 849,00 RSD.Ne sadrzi talk i parabene.Bez mirisa.Rok trajanja je 6 meseci od otvaranja bocice.Moze se naci u cak 15 nijansi.Moja nijansa je medium CWO5.Pored standardnih nijansi pomocu kojih mozete pokriti nesavrsenosti na licu postoje i nijanse koje sluze za pokrivanje pega,tamnih kolutova i crvenila.Verujem da ce svako naci nijansu koja mu odgovara jer je izbor zaista veliki.Ono sto mi se jako dopalo kod ovog korektora jeste njegova lagana tekstura sa visokom pokrivnom moci.Retko mozete naci korektor koji dobro pokriva ,a nije tezak na licu.Takav je upravo ovaj korektor-lagan na licu sa savrsenom moci pokrivanja.Ima kremastu strukturu,lako se nanosi i razmazuje na licu.Ja koristim uz njega Beauty blender i savrsen su spoj za besprekoran ten.Nekad koristim samo ovaj korektor ,utapkam ispod oka, malo iznad cela i na bradi i dobijam savrsen svez izgled.Nije mi isusio kozu ili suve delove na kozi.Jako je postojan gotovo tokom citavog dana.Ima odlicnu pigmentaciju,na slikama deluje prelepo.Ne uvlaci se u bore i fine linije na licu.Ovaj proizvod je cruelty free sto je zaista divna stvar.Preporucujem ga apsolutno svima,mislim da ce odgovarati svakom tipu koze jer daje prirodno-mat finis.Ovo je NYX proizvod koji cu sigurno ponovo kupiti.

Concealer is in a classic plastic package with a sponge applicator. Contains 3g products. You can find in every alexandar cosmetics shop as well as on their website. The price of this concealer is 849,00 RSD. It does not contain talk and parabens. Without the scent.Expiration date 6 months from the opening of the bottle. It can be found in 15 shades. My shade is medium CWO5. In addition to standard shades that can cover the imperfections on the face there are also shades that serve to freckles , dark circles and redness. I believe that everyone will find the shade which suits him because the choice is really great. The one that I really liked about this concealer is its lightweight texture with high cover power.You can rarely find a corrector that covers it well, and it's not hard on the face. It's exactly this concealer-light on the face with perfect power to cover.It has a creamy structure, it is easy to apply and smear on the face. I use Beauty blender with it and perfect match for a flawless ten. Sometimes I use only this concealer, I apply under the eye , a little above the forehead and on the chin and I get the perfect fresh look. I did not dry out the skin or dry parts on the skin. It is stable almost throughout the day. It has excellent pigmentation, it looks beautiful in the pictures. It does not get into wrinkles and fine lines on the face This product is cruelty free which is truly a wonderful thing. I recommend it absolutely to everyone, I think it will suit every type of skin because it gives a natural matte finish. This is a NYX product that I will surely buy again.

Da li ste koristili ovaj NYX HD Photogenic korektor?
Do you try this NYX HD Photogenic concealer?


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