Favorites #1/2018

април 05, 2018

Nakon duzeg vremena pisem favorite.Malo sam promenila sam koncept sto se tice favorita tj. kada se skupi odredjeni broj proizvoda koji su me odusevili bice post.Za danas sam pripremila prve favorite ove godine.

After a long time I am writing to favorites. I little changed the concept of favorite, when a certain number of the products that have inspired me will be blog post.For today I have prepared the first favorites in this year.

Favorites #1/2018

Prvi proizvod koji bih navela jeste Maybelline Affinitone mineral puder.Ovaj puder daje prirodan finis koji ja volim zimi.Lepo se blenda,lako nanosi i razmazuje na licu.Dobra stvar kod ovog pudera je ta sto je pogodan za osetljivu kozu ,sto ne sadrzi talk i ulja.Koristila sam ga aktivno tokom poslednja dva meseca i jako je prijao mojoj kozi.Mnogo prajmera sam u proteklom periodu isprobala,a medju omiljenim i koji mi se jako dopao jeste Aura Prime me! prajmer.Biserno-bele boje.Daje divan zdrav i svez izgled licu.Nakon nanosenja koza izgleda glatka i hidrirana.Na bazi vode.Odlicno ce odgovarati osobama sa suvom i normalnom kozom.NYX HD je korektor koji sam najvise koristila.Korektor lagane strukture,dobro pokriva i ne isusuje kozu.Odlicno se blenda i nanosi sundjerastim aplikatorom.Moja nijansa je medium CW 05,a mozete ih naci u ukupno 11 nijansi.Sto znaci da svako moze naci svoju nijansu i ono sto mu se najvise dopada.Zimi obozavam da nosim tamne tecne karmine.Tecni ruz koji sam najvise koristila jeste Aura Absolute matte u nijansi 623-Take the Crown.Prelepa tamno crvena nijansa.Lagane formule i lepog vanila mirisa.Mat je na usnama,ali se moram naneti dva sloja na usnama da bi dobila zeljenu  nijansu.Poslednji proizvod koji bih navela jeste Rimmel natural bronzer.Nijansu koju koristim je 025 Sun Glow.Licu daje svez i prirodan izgled.Sadrzi sitne zlatni shimmer sa prirodnom  braon nijansom.Moze se nadograditi do blazeg ili jaceg look-a.

The first product I would like to mention is Maybelline Affinitone Mineral foundation. This foundation gives a natural finish that I like in the winter. It's easy to blend, easily applied and good smears on the face. The good thing about this powder is that it is suitable for sensitive skin, which does not contain talk and oils. I used it actively for the last two months and it was very nice to my skin. I tried a lot of primers in the past period, and among the favorites and I really liked it is Aura Prime me! primer. Pearl-white color. It gives a wonderful healthy and fresh look to the face. After the application of the skin it looks smooth and hydrated. On the basis of water. It will be suitable for people with dry and normal skin. NYX HD is the concealer that I used most.Concealer with light structure, it is well covered and does not drain the skin. It is a perfect blend and applied with a sponge applicator. My shade is medium CW 05, and you can find them in a total of 11 shades. That means everyone can find his shade and what likes most.  In the winter I adore I wear a dark liquid lipstick . The natural liquid lipstick ​​that I used most was Aura Absolute matte in the 623-Take the Crown shade.Beautifully dark red shade. Lightweight formula and beautiful vanilla fragrance. In the lip is matte, but I have to apply two layers on my lips.The last product I would like to mention is the Rimmel natural bronzer. The shade I use is 025 Sun Glow. The skin gives a fresh and natural look. Contains the tiny golden shimmer with a natural brown shade. It can be upgraded to a natural or a stronger look.

To su moji favoriti koje sam koristila i koji su me odusevili u proteklom periodu.Koji su Vasi favoriti?Da li ste koristili neki proizvod koji sam ja navela?
These are my favorites that I have used and who have delighted me in the past period. What are your favorites? Did you use a product that I listed?


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