Winter Beauty Tips

фебруар 01, 2018

Svako godisnje doba zahteva odredjenu negu,a posto nam je dosla zima svoju rutinu tokom nege treba prilagoditi aktuelnim i nadolazecim vremenskim prilikama.Hladan vazhuh,vetar i mraz uticu da koza postane dehidrirana i osetljiva,dolazi do iritacija,pojavljuje se crvenilo,peruta se koza koja postaje suva i gruba.U nastavku posta predlozicu Vam neke savete koje treba da primenjujete tokom nege u zimskom periodu , a i navescu  neke proizvode koje ja koristim kada mi treba dubinska hidratacija.

Each season requires a certain amount of care, and since the winter came to us during their routine care should be adapted to the current and the coming weather conditions. Cold air, wind and frost affect to the skin becomes dehydrated and sensitive, coming up to the irritation, redness appears, dandruff is a skin that becomes dry and rough. In the post below to give you some tips that you need to apply during the care in the winter period, and I cite some products that I use when I need deep hydration.

Prvi proizvod koji je resenje za sve probleme suve koze jeste kokosovo ulje.Dubinski hidrira,cini kozu mekom i divno mirise.Kokosovo ulje koristim tokom citave godine,mada zimi intenzivnije.Koristim ga kao kremu za lice i predeo ispod oka,kao losion za telo i kremu za ruke,za skidanje sminke.Nista Vam bolje nece hidrirati kozu od kokosovog ulja.Zato je ovo ulje multifunkcionalno,bogato i neverovatno negujuce sto je jako pogodno za suvu kozu tokom hladnijeg perioda.Zato je kokosovo ulje moja velika preporuka za sve.Pisala sam u nekom ranijem postu o kokosovom ulju i kako ga koristiti u sluzbi lepote ,taj post mozete procitati ovde.Sto se tice nege usana ja koristim obicno labelo,sto bi iskreno svima i predlozila.Izbegavajte teske i mat karmine jer cete tako samo dodatno isusiti usne.Birajte balzame,hidratantne karmine i sjajeve za usne.Labelo mi najvise odgovara,najbolje mi neguje i  hidrira usne.Takodje,gore pomenuto kokosovo ulje je odlicna stvar i za negu usana.Piling je obavezan deo nege.Naravno tokom zime treba biti pazljiviji.Dovoljno je jednom nedeljno da ga koristite.Piling ce ukloniti sve mrtve celije sa koze i pripremiti je za dalju negu.Ne smemo izostaviti negu kose tokom zime.Hladnoca i vetar jako stete kosi i zato joj je potrebna dubinska nega i hidratacija.Tokom zime koristim proizvode sa uljima.Sampon neki negujuci,masku ili regenerator sa uljima.Trenutno koristim Pantene Oil Repair regenerator i imate veliku preporuku od mene.I na kraju sto bih navela kao najvazniji savet jeste- pravilna ishrana.Tokom zime povecajte unos hrane koja je bogata omega 3 -masnim kiselinama (orasasti plodovi,maslinovo i kokosovo ulje,mlecni proizvodi,riba).Povecajte unos i vitamina A,E i C.Naravno pijte dosta tecnosti,narocito vodu i cajeve jer je hidratacija kljuc pravilne nege kako koze tako i organizma.

The first product that is a solution for all the problems of dry skin is coconut oil. Deeply hydrates, makes skin soft and smells wonderful. Coconut oil I use during the whole year, although more intense during the winter. I use it as a lotion for the face and the area below the eye, like body lotion and cream for the hands, for removing makeup. Nothing better You won't hydrate the skin of coconut oil. That's why this is oil, and incredibly rich in multifunctional nourishing what is very suitable for dry skin during the colder period. That's why coconut oil a great recommendation for all. I wrote in a previous post about coconut oil and how to use it in the service of beauty, that post you can read it here here.As for care of the lips I use usually labelo, which I would  sincerely suggest to everyone. Avoid heavy and matte lipstick because you'll so only further wither the lips. Choose balsams, moisturizing lipstick and lipgloss. Labelo me best suits,best nourishes and hydrates my lips. Also, the above mentioned coconut oil is a great thing, and for the care of the lips. Peeling is required part of care. Of course during the winter should be more careful. It is enough to use it once a week. Exfoliating will remove all dead cells with skin and to prepare for further care. We can't leave out hair in the winter. The cold and the wind really damage your hair and that's why she needs deep care and hydration.During the winter I use products with oils. Shampoo nourishes  , mask or conditioner with oils. Currently I use Pantene Oil Repair conditioner and you have a great recommendation from me. And in the end I cited as the most important advice is -proper nutrition. During the winter you'll want food intake which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (nuts, olive and coconut oil, dairy products, fish). Increase your intake and vitamin A, E, and C. Of course drink  a lot of water and tea , because the hydration is the key to proper care  of both the skin and the organism.

Koje proizvode koristite tokom?
Which products you use during the winter?


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