Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara |Review
јануар 12, 2018
Too Faced cuveni brend ,a njihova Better Than Sex maskara jos cuvenija.Verujem da nema osobe koja nije cula ili bar videla ovu maskaru.Pri prvom nanosenju me je odusevila,a u nastavku posta procitajte jos informacija ,a i moje utiske.
Too Faced the famous brand, and their Better Than Sex mascara famous more. I believe that there is no person who is not heard, or at least seen this mascara. When first application it delighted me, and read more information and my impressions below.
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Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara |
Ovu maskaru sam kupila pocetkom oktobra u Sephora radnji na Krfu.Aktivno je koristim vec dva meseca i blago receno ja sam odusevljena.Nije ni cudo zasto je toliko popularna.Za pocetak par informacija o samoj maskari,a posle cu vam napisati moje utiske.Ovu maskaru mozete naci u full i mini pakovanju.Ja sam se opredelila za mini pakovanje da je za pocetak upoznam i vidim da li je zaista tako dobra i da li ce mi odgovarati.Ovo mini pakovanje Too Faced Better Than Sex maskare i kosta 14 EUR.Pakovanje je divne rose gold boje sa metalik finisom.Sadrzi veliku cetkicu u obliku pescanog sata i 4,8 g proizvoda. Sadrzi kolagensku formulu i ekstrakt senegalske akacije koja neguje, uvija i daje volumen trepavicama.Dovoljan je jedan sloj za potpuni efekat.Lako se nanosi i skida sa ociju,nije sklona slepljivanju trepavica niti grudvicama,izizetno je postojana,ne kruni se i odlicno razdvaja trepavice.Ono sto ova maskara obecava to i dobijate.Ja obozavam duge i izvijene trepavice sa suptilnom gustinom.Sa ovom maskarom sam to konacno dobila.Obozavam efekat koji daje trepavicama.Nekad nanesem jedan sloj,nekad i dva,a sa ovom maskarom mozete staviti bez problema i treci sloj.Zaista ova Too Faced Better Than Sex maskara je jedno veliko-cudo.Kvalitet ,efekat trepavica ,postojanost i pakovanje sve opravdava cenu ove maskare i zaista vredi.Postala je moja omiljena maskara i rado cu je opet kupiti.Imate apsolutnu preporuku od mene za ovu Too Faced maskaru.
This mascara I bought at the beginning of october in Sephora stores in Corfu. Actively using it for two months and I'm told of treasure being surprised about. It's no wonder why it's so popular. To start with a few information about the mascara, and then I'll give you my impressions. This mascara you can find in full and mini package. I opted for the mini packaging to meet to start with and see if it's really that good and will have to answer to me.This mini package Better Than Too Faced mascara Sex cost 14 EUR. Packaging is beautiful rose gold color with metallic finish. Contains a huge hourglass shaped brush and 4.8 g of product. Contains collagen and senegalese acacia extract formula which nourishes and gives the volume of your eyelashes. One layer is enough for the full effect.Easy to apply and removes her from the eyes, is not prone to agglutination eyelashes nor my clumping, remarkable is long-lasting and great separates lashes. What this mascara promises that you will receive. I love long and curly lashes with a subtle density. With this mascara I finally got it. I love the effect that gives the eyelashes.Once I apply one layer, and used two, and with this mascara can put without problems and the third layer. Indeed this Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara is one big-a miracle. The quality, the effect of the eyelashes,package all justifies the price of this mascara and really worth it. She's become my favorite mascara and I'd be happy to buy again. Do you have an absolute recommendation from me for this Too Faced mascara.
Da li ste koristili ovu Too Faced Better Than Sex maskaru?Koja je Vasa omiljena maskara?Da li ste nesto drugo koristite od Too Faced?
If you used this Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara? What is your favorite mascara? Did you use something else of Too Faced?
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