Flaxseed Bread | Low Carb

јануар 08, 2018

Opste je poznato blagotvorno dejstvo lana na ceo organizam.Lan je bogat kalijumom,magnezijumom,vitaminom E,esencijalnim aminokiselinama i omega-3-masnim kiselinama.Sve to je jako zdravo i treba ga cesce koristiti u svakodnevnoj ishrani.Posto ne jedem hleb,smislila sam recept koji mi je neka zamena za obicni hleb.Lan mi je jedna od omiljenih semenki,a za danas sam pripremila recept za Laneni hleb.Ovaj hleb od lana pogodan je za osobe koje zele da umanje unos obicnog hleba kao i osobama koje unose malu kolicinu ugljenih hidrata.Naravno preporucujem ga svima jer je zaista ukusan,a pored toga veoma je zdrav sto je mnogo bitnije.

General it is known has a beneficial effect flaxseed on the whole organism. Flaxseed is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, essential amino acids and omega-3-fatty acids. This is all very healthy and should be used more often in daily nutrition. Since I don't eat bread, I came up with a recipe that is a substitute for ordinary bread. Flaxseed is one of my favorite seeds, and for today I prepared a recipe for Flaxseed bread. This bread of flaxseed is suitable for a people who want to reduce the intake of ordinary bread as well as the people who enter a small amount of carbohydrates. Of course, I recommend it to everybody because it is really yummy, and in addition it is very healthy which is much more important.

Flaxseed Bread | Low Carb

  • 150 g lana
  • 50 g susama
  • pola kesice praska za pecivo
  • 2 jaja
  • kasika maslinovog ulja
  • prstohvat soli
  • pola case vode

  • 150 g flaxseeds
  • 50 g sesame seeds
  • half a bag baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • spoon of olive oil
  • pinch of salt
  • half a cup of water

U vecoj ciniji pomesajte najpre suve sastojke-lan,susam,prasak za pecivo i prstohvat soli.Dodajte ovoj smesi maslinovo ulje,jaja i na kraju vodu.Sve lepo izmesajte da se sjedine svi sastojci medjusobno.Smesu izlijte u kalup za hleb koji je oblozen papirom za pecenje.Ja hleb na kraju pospem sa jos malo susama.Hleb pecite pola sata na 200°C  .Kad se ispece ostavite da se ohladi.Na kraju uzivajte u ovom ukusnom i  zdravom hlebu sa lanenim semenkama.

In the larger bowl mix first, dry ingredients-flax, sesame seed,baking powder and a pinch of salt. Add this mixture at olive oil, eggs and water at the end. All good mix that the ingredients blended with each other. Pour out the mixture into a mold for the bread which is paved with baking paper. I'm at the end of the bread, sprinkle it with some sesame seeds. The bread bake for half an hour at 200°C . When the baked, leave it to cool down. At the end of the enjoy this tasty and healthy bread with flax seeds.

Bon Apetit!

Da li volite semenke lana?Da li imate neki drugi i drugaciji recept?Da li znate jos neki recept?
Do you like flax seeds?Do you have some new and different recipe?Do you know another recipe?


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