Catrice Liquid Camouflage Concealer |Review

јануар 23, 2018

Brend Catrice cosmetics volim i rado koristim njihove proizvode.Jedan od omiljenih proizvoda od Catrice i uopsteno moj omiljeni korektor jeste ovaj Catrice Liquid Camouflage korektor.Verujem da su mnogi probali ovaj korektor,a ukoliko niste sigurno ste ga vidjali u lokalnim drogerijama.

Brend  Catrice cosmetics I love and I use their products. One of my favorite products from Catrice and generally my favorite concealer is this Catrice Liquid Camouflage concealer. I believe that many of the try this concealer, and if you are not sure you have seen it in local drugstores.

Catrice Liquid Camouflage Concealer

U pitanju je tecni korektor.Nalazi se klasicnom pakovanju sa sundjerastim aplikatorom.Moze se naci u svakoj DM drogeriji.Cena ovog korektora je 500 RSD.Mozete ga naci u tri nijanse 005,010 i 020.Ja koristim 005 Light Natural nijansu.Korektor je vodootporan.Srednje gustine.Ima visoku moc pokrivanja.Pokrice bukvalno sve nepravilnosti na licu,od tamnih podocnjaka,bubuljica i akni do sitnih nepravilnosti na licu i crvenila.Sadrzi 5ml proizvoda.Mirise prelepo.Pomocu preciznog sundjerastog aplikatora lako se nanosi.Nije mi izazvao nikakve iritacije ili crvenilo na kozi.Pigmentacija ovog korektora je srednja-jaka.Dovoljan je jedan sloj za totalni efekat.Lako se blenda i stapa uz ostale proizvode na licu.Dugotrajan je cak i do 5 sati.Daje blag mat efekat.Ja ga nanosim uz Beauty blender i tako nanosenje mi se najbolje pokazalo.Koristim ga ispod oka kao highlighter ili samo njega bez pudera.Tako mi daje svez izgled.Jako kvalitetan proizvod po pristupacnoj ceni koji definitivno preporucujem svima.

It's a liquid concealer. There is the classical packaging with sponge applicator. It can be found in each DM drugstore. The price of this concealer is 500 RSD. You can find him in three shades of 005,010 and 020. I use 005 Light Natural shade. Concealer is waterproof. Medium density. It has a high covering power.Coverage is literally all the irregularities of the face, from the dark circles, a pimple and acne to blemishes and redness on the face. Contains 5 ml of product. Smells beautiful. With a precise sponge applicator is applied easily. It's not caused me any irritation or redness on skin. Pigmentation this concealer is the medium-high. All it takes is one layer for a total effect. Easy to blend and  perfect blend with other products on your face.Long-lasting even up to 5 hours. Gives a soft matte effect. I apply it with Beauty blender, and so applying to me the best turned out. I use it under the eye as highlighter, or only him without foundation. That gives me a fresh look. A very high quality product at an affordable price which definitely recommend it to everyone.

005 Light Natural shade

Da li koristite ovaj Catrice korektor?Sta se jos probali od Catrice?Kakvo je Vase iskustvo?
Do you use this Catrice concealer? What else tasted of Catrice? What is Your experience?


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