Cinnamon Hot Chocolate
децембар 23, 2017
Zima,a kao i praznici se ne mogu zamisliti bez tople cokolade.Prosle godine sam pisala osnovni recept za toplu cokoladu,a ove godine sa cimetom.Napravite svoju toplu cokoladu sa cimetom,udobno se smestite i uzivajte u ovim zimskim danima i predstojecim praznicima.
Winter is approaching, and as well as holidays cannot be imagined without the hot chocolate. Last year I wrote a basic recipe for hot chocolate, and this year with cinnamon. Make your hot chocolate with cinnamon, make yourself comfortable and enjoy in these winter days and the presidential holiday.
- 200 ml mleka
- kasika kakao
- kasicica stevije ili obicnog secera
- kasicica cimeta
- 50gr crne cokolade
- 200ml of milk
- spoon cocoa
- teaspoons stevia or regular sugar
- teaspoon of cinnamon
- 50gr of dark chocolate
Priprema ovog recepta je zaista laka.U vecoj serpi sipajte mleko,kakao,steviju ili obicni secer,cimet i crnu cokoladu.Kuvajte dok se sve ne sjedini,a crna cokolada istopi.Gotovu toplu cokoladu servirajte u vecoj solji i dekorisite po zelji.
Preparation of this recipe is really easy. In the larger pot, right pour milk, cocoa, stevia or regular sugar, cinnamon and dark chocolate. Cook until all the homogenization, and black chocolate melts. A hot chocolate serve it in a larger cup and decorate in any way you wish.
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Ingredients |
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Cinnamon Hot Chocolate |
Bon Appetit!
Da li volite i pravite toplu cokoladu?Da li imate neki novi i drugaciji recept?
Do you love and make hot chocolate? Do you have some new and different recipe?
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