Favorites June/2017
јул 20, 2017
S zavrsetkom juna,stigli su i junski favoriti.Ovog meseca probala sam mnoge kozmeticke proizvode i neki su medju favoritima.
With the completion of june, they arrived and the june favorites. This month, I've tried many cosmetic products, and some are among the favorites.
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Favorites June/2017 |
Kao prvog favorita izdvojila bih Essence Volume Stylist 18h Lash Extension maskaru.Mesecima sam trazila maskaru koja ce mi dati duzinu trepavica.Setajuci i razgledajuci po Lilly-u naisla sam na ovu maskaru na Essence polici.Moram Vam reci ovo je ozbiljno dobra maskara.Odlicna!Recicu samo dovoljan je jedan sloj maskare.Uskoro Vas ocekuje detaljna recenzija ove Essence maskare na mom blogu.
As the first of the favorites I would set aside the Essence Volume Stylist 18h Lash Extension mascara. I spent months looking for mascara that will give me the length of eyelashes. Walk up and look around in Lilly drugstore I came on this mascara on the Essence of the shelf. I have to tell you this is a seriously good mascara. Great! I'll tell you just one coat of mascara. Soon you expect a detailed review of this Essence of mascara on my blog.
Sledeci favorit je Puzzle hidratantna antibakterijska krema za lice.Proizvodi je kompanija Nevena iz Leskovca.Moze se naci u svakoj apoteci,a ja sam je kupila u apoteci u Knez Mihajlovoj ulici u Beogradu.S obzirom da je cena 200 din nisam ocekivala nista posebno.Ali,jedno veliko ali.Ova kremica zaista radi.Mazem je ujutru i uvece.Ukoliko mi izadje neka bubuljica na licu,uvece namazem kremicu,ujutru je vec nestala.Zvuci carobno ali probajte obavezno.Takodje,recenzija ove kremice Vas ocekuje uskoro na mom blogu.
Next is the favorite Puzzle moisturizing antibacterial cream for the face. Products the company Nevena from Leskovac, can be found at every pharmacy, and I bought it in a pharmacy in Knez Mihailova street in Belgrade, given that the price around of 2 EUR. I didn't expect anything special. But, a big but. This cream really works.I apply cream in the morning and at night. If I get out a pimple on your face, at night, in short, in the morning is already gone. It sounds like magic, but be sure to try it. Also, reviews of this cream awaits you soon on my blog.
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Puzzle antibacterial hydrated cream |
Volim parfemisane dezodoranse.Takav je i ovaj Tesori d' Oriente dezodorans.Moj omiljeni je Fior di Loto.Divna orjentalna mirisna nota.Preporuka ukoliko volite takve mirisne note.Ja ga obozavam.
I love perfumy deodorants. So is this Tesori d'oriente deodorant. My favorite is Fior di Loto. A wonderful-smelling aromatic notes. Recommendations if you like that kind of scents. I love him.
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Tesori D'Oriente deodorant |
Od proizvoda za usne najvise sam koristila ovaj Loreal Paris Glam Shine Miss Candy sjaj za usne.Moja nijansa je u broju 701 Bubble Pink.Divna roze-narandzasta nijansa idealna za leto.Sjaj je lagane strukture i ne lepi se.Ima veoma dobru cetkicu za nanosenje sjaja i prelepo mirise.
Of products for the lips the most I used this Loreal Paris Glam Shine Miss Candy lip gloss. My shade is at number 701 Bubble Pink pink-orange lovely shade perfect for summer.Lipgloss is a lightweight structure and nonstick. He has a very good brush for applying shine and beautiful scents.
I na kraju lak za nokte.Najvise sam koristila Gabrini 3D flat brush lak za nokte u nijansi 03 Beyaz.Cista bela boja,dugotrajan i postojan na noktima.Preporucujem ga svima.
And at the ende nail polish. The most I used Gabrini 3D flat brush Nail Polish in 03 Beyaz. Pure white color, time consuming and surefooted on your nails. I recommend it to everybody.
Ovo su moji favoriti juna.Koji su Vasi?Da li ste koristi neki od navedenih proizvoda?
These are my favorites in June. What are Your? Whether you are is in use by some of these products?
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