Empties january,2020.

фебруар 06, 2020

Zdravo svima,dobrodosli nazad na moj blog i u novi post.Dugo nisam sela i pisala,izvinjavam se na tome.Puno obaveza oko fakulteta,pa praznici nisu dozvolili tako da sam za danas pripremila post koji volite da citate moram primetiti.Ukoliko niste jos uvek upuceni otvorila sam Youtube kanal pa bih volela da me podrzite i pretplatite se na moj kanal.Vama znaci malo,a meni puno.Ostavicu vam link da direktno mozete pogledati kanal.U danasanjem postu mozete procitati moje Potrosene proizvode za mesec januar,2020.Pa da krenemo u sam post.

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog and in a new post. I have not sat down and written for a long time, I apologize for it. I have a lot of obligations around the faculty, so the holidays have not allowed me.So for today I have prepared a post you like to read. If you have not yet I opened a Youtube channel so I would like you to support me and subscribe to my channel.It means a little to you and a lot to me. I'll leave you a link so you can watch the channel directly.In today's post you can read my Empties for the month of January, 2020. So let's get to the post itself.

Empties january,2020.

Video Empries january,2020 on my Youtube channel.

Prvi potroseni proizvod jeste jedna divna  mozda i omiljena kupka/gel za tusiranje.U pitanju je Balea kremasti gel za tusiranje sa mirisom puter mleka i limuna.Miris je fantazija,mene licno jako podseca na napolitanke sa ukusom limuna.Ko je koristio ovaj proizvod tacno zna na sta mislim.No naspram toga gel je zaista odlican,kozu neguje i hidrira,stiti je od isusivanja,a miris ostaje dugo na kozi i nakon tusiranja.Definitivno cu je ponovo kupiti.Cena je svega 99 RSD.Sledeci potroseni proizvod jeste Nivea roll on i to dva komada.Ove najvise koristim,Black and White je odlican ne ostavlja fleke na odeci,dok ovaj drugi Fresh ima osvezavajuc miris limunove trave te ga cini za nijansu vise omiljenim.Svakako dobri proizvodi,nezni prema kozi pazuha i vredni paznje.Cena im je oko 250 RSD po komadu.Sledeci potroseni proizvod je jedan parfem od Cristine Aguilere.Kombinacija cvetne i malo jace mirisne note ga cini idealnim parfemom kako za dan tako i za vece.Dugotrajan,prelepa bocica i sporo se trosiPotrosila sam jos jedan gel za tusiranje ovog puta od Avon-a.U pitanju je cini mi se neka limit edition kupka,California Glow.Sam naziv govori sve ,pravi letnji miris,pakovanje i boja.Uzivala sam koristeci ga.Balea Magic Summer losion za samopotamnjivanje je jedan od proizvoda koje imam u zalihama.Moj omiljeni losion za samopotamnjivanje ukoliko zelite detaljnu recenziju o ovom proizvodu pisite mi u komentarima.Ne ostavlja fleke,daje divnu prirodnu preplanulu boju ostavljajuci kozu hidriranom i neznom.Miris je jako intenzivan na breskve.Cena je jako pristupacna oko 300 RSD.Palmolive plavi sampon protiv peruti sam potrosila bukvalno jedva jer nikako nije prijao mojoj kosi.Sam proizvodjac kaze da je protiv peruti i da ne masti kosu.Sve suprotno od toga sam dobila koriscenjem ovog proizvoda.Iako nemam perut upotrebom ovog sampona sam ga dobila i kosa mi se brze mastila.Jedno veliko ne za ovaj sampon sto se tice mene.Potrosila sam i jednu Colgate pastu koja beli zube.Onako mi je bila,nista specijalno da budem iskrena.Za moj ukus ima previse sode bikarbone,a sam osecaj svezine nakon pranja zuba nije nesto narocito jak.Micelarnu vodu od La Roche Posay sam konacno potrosila.Ko bi rekao da ovako dugo moze da se koristi proizvod od 100ml.Ukoliko trazite dobru micelarnu,definitivno pogledajte ovu.Inace imam veliki problem sa micelarnim vodama,velika vecina mi ne odgovara jer mi izaziva iritacije i peckanje na licu.Sa ovom nije to bio slucaj.Ne isusuje kozu lica,osvezava,odlicno skida sminku i visak sebuma.Svaka preporuka.Sprej za pokrivanje sedih vlasi i izrastka od Loreal-a je nesto sto sam potrosila takodje.Ovom proizvodu se uvek vracam jer sam jako zadovoljna pokrivnom moci i samom efektu na kosi.Ukoliko vam treba tako nesto definitivno pogledajte ovaj proizvod.Jos jedan proizvod od  Balee sam potrosila.Ovog puta je u pitanju jedan Balea intenzivni serum.Cena mu je oko 300 RSD ,a moze da parira i mnogim skupljim serumima.Daje odlicnu hidrataciju,zagladjuje bore i daje efekat glatke i svilenkaste koze lica.Iako je namenjen osobama 50+ tj.zrelijoj kozi,sto jedna zabluda definitivno ce odgovarati svima,a mlada koza lica ce obozavati.Potrosila sam i dve maskare sto je ujedno i poslednje sto sam potrosila tokom ovog januara.Jedna je od Max Factora,a druga od Avon Mark.Max Factor 2000 calories je dobra i svakodnevna maskara sa klasicnom cetkicom,dok ovu iz Avon-a mozete koristiti kad vam bas treba efekat vestackih trepavica jer upravo taj efekat daje.

The first empty product is a wonderful and possibly favorite bath / shower gel. It is a Balea creamy shower gel with the smell of butter milk and lemon. The smell is a fantasy, it reminds me a lot of lemon flavored cookies. Who used this product exactly knows what I mean. But against it, the gel is really great, nourishes and hydrates the skin, protects it from drying out, and the scent stays on the skin for a long time after the shower.I will definitely buy it again. The price is only 99 RSD. I use these Nivea roll on the most, Black and White is great leaving no stains on,while this other Fresh has a refreshing scent of lemongrass and makes it a more favorite shade.Certainly good products, gentle to the armpit skin and worthy of attention. The price is around 250 RSD per piece. The next empty  product is one perfume by Cristina Aguilera. Long lasting, beautiful bottle and slow to spent.I spent another shower gel this time from Avon.I think this is a limit edition bath, California Glow. The name itself says it all, its true summer scent, packaging and color.Balea Magic Summer Self-Tanning Lotion is one of the products I have in stock.My favorite tanning lotion if you would like a detailed review on this product, write me in the comments.Don't leave stains, gives a lovely natural tanned color leaving the skin hydrated,soft and has very intense scent on peaches.The price is very affordable around 300 RSD. I spent the Palmolive blue anti-dandruff shampoo literally barely because it was no good for my hair. The manufacturer himself says that he is against dandruff and does not grease hair. using this shampoo I got it and my hair is in quick ink. One big not for this shampoo that concerns me. I also spent one toothpaste Colgate.It was anyway, nothing special to be honest.For my taste it has too much baking soda, and the feeling of freshness after brushing teeth is not particularly strong. I finally consumed the La Roche Posay micellar water.Who would say that a 100ml product can be used this long. If you were looking for a good micellar water, definitely look for this one.Otherwise I have a big problem with micellar water, the vast majority do not suit me because it causes irritation and burning on the face. This was not the case. It does not dry the skin, refreshes, excellently removes makeup and excess sebum.Spray for grey hair and outgrowth of Loreal is something I spent too. I always come back to this product because I am very pleased with the covering power and the effect on my hair. If you need something like this, definitely look at this product.Next empties is Balea intesive serum.The price is about 300 RSD, and it can pair with many more expensive serums. It gives excellent hydration, smoothes wrinkles and gives the effect of smooth and silky skin.Although it is intended for people 50+, that is, mature skin, one delusion will definitely suit everyone, and young skin will love it. The last empties products is Avon Mark and Max Factor 2000 calories mascaras.The Max Factor mascara  is a good and everyday mascara with a classic brush, while this one from Avon can be used when you just need the effect of artificial lashes because that is what it gives.

To bi bilo sve za ovaj post,nadam se da vam se svideo i da ste uzivali citajuci ga.Ne zaboravite da mi pisete u komentarima ukoliko ste neki proizvod koji sam navela koristili,kao i sta ste potrosili u proteklom periodu.

That would be all for this post, I hope you liked it and enjoyed reading it.Don't forget to write me in the comments if you have used any of the products I have listed, as well as what you have spent in the past.


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