BACK TO SCHOOL My top 5 apps for school

септембар 16, 2019

Da li nam aplikacije na telefonu pored zabave mogu pomoci i pri ucenju? Da! I te kako.U nastavku procitajte  koje aplikacije su meni pomogle i dalje pomazu pri ucenju.Sve aplikacije mozete naci na Apple app store kao i na Google play prodavnici za android i sve su besplatne.Nadam se da ce Vam post biti koristan i pomoci u daljem skolovanju i samom ucenju.

Can the apps on the phone besides the fun help us studying?Yes! Read below which apps have helped me and  continue to help me studying. You can find all the apps on the Apple App Store as well as Google Play store for Android and they're all free. I hope that the post will be usefull and help you to further your studying and learning.

1. Duolingo 
Aplikacija za ucenje stranih jezika.Nudi preko 40 kurseva jezika.Obozavam turski jezik,pa mi je dosta pomogla u samom ucenju ovog  jezika.
1. Duolingo 
An app for language learning. Offers more than 40 language courses.I love the Turkish language, so this app helped me a lot in learning this language.

Duolingo app

Aplikacija koja resava sve domace zadatke.Dakle,samo slikate domaci zadatak i dobicete resenje bilo to pitanje iz nekog jezika,zadatka iz matematike,biologije,hemije ili fizike.Zvuci kao magija,ali zaista je odlicna aplikacija.Obavezno je probajte.
An app that solves all homework tasks. So you're just taking photo of your homework and you're getting the solution to that issue from some language, a task of math, biology, chemistry or physics. Sounds like magic, but it really is a great app. Make sure you try it.

Socratic app

Ova aplikacija resava razne matematicke zadatke.Samo slikate zadatak i aplikacija ga za par sekundi resi.Zanimljiva i jako korisna aplikacija.
This app solves various mathematical tasks. You just take a photo of task and the app for a few seconds solve. Interesting and very useful app.

Photomath app

4.Forest stay focused
Jednom recju,ova aplikacija je fokus tajmer.Namestite vreme koje zelite,oznacite aplikacije koje ne zelite da koristite dok ucite,i svaki put kada ispunite svoj cilj na aplikaciji cete zasaditi drvo,a ako ne ispunite cilj ili udjete u aplikaciju koju ste zabranili ubicete drvo.Zvuci zanimljivo jel da?Ja ovu aplikaciju cesto koristim pri ucenju jer mi pomaze da se fokusiram.Najcesce stavim tajmer na 30 minuta,iskljucim tj.oznacim sve drustvene mreze,nakon toga pravim pauzu 5 minuta.Ponovim u toku dana ovaj proces 5 puta.Dakle,kombinujem Pomodoro tehniku ucenja i super mi se pokazalo.
4.Forest stay focused
One word, this app is the focus timer. Set up the time you want, label apps you don't want to use while you study, and every time you fill your target on your app, you're going to plant a tree, and if you don't finish the target or enter an app that you banned from you  killing tree. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? I often use this app to study because it helps me focus. I usually put the timer on for 30 minutes, turn it off all my social networks, and I'm going to break for five minutes after that. I repeat this process 5 times per a day So, I'm combining the Pomodoro techniques of learning, and I'm having a great results.

Forest stay focused app

Ova aplikacija skenira bilo koju vasu sliku teksta ili dokumenta  i pretvara ga u PDF format.Meni bas pomaze kada slikam beleske za fakultet.Dakle,ubacim sliku na aplikaciji,ona skenira i pretvori moje beleske u PDF i samo kopiram svoju skriptu.Ponasa se bukvalno kao pravi skener samo u obliku aplikacije.
This app scans any of your text or document image and turns it into a PDF format. It's really helpful when I take pictures of my college notes. So, I insert the picture on the app, it scans it and turns my notes into a PDF and I'm just copying my script.Acting literally like a real scanner only in the form of an app.

CamScanner app

Koje su Vase omiljene aplikacije koje Vam pomazu pri ucenju? Da li koristite neke aplikacije koje sam navela?
What are your favorite apps that help with your studies? Do you use any of this apps?


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