Favorites July,August and September/2017
новембар 07, 2017
Za prvi post nakon malo duze pauze pripremila sam favorite jula,avgusta i septembra.Ima dosta proizvoda,a neki od njih ce biti u posebnim recenzijama.Favorite sam podelila u dve kategorije tj.proizvode za negu i makeup.
For the first post after a little longer break I prepared favorites july, august and september. There are a lot of products, and some of them will be in separate reviews. Favorites I split in two categories, products for skin care and makeup.
Prizvodi za negu:
Kao prvi proizvod izdvojila bih Balea losion za telo sa mirisom smokve i smedjeg secera.Sadrzi pumpicu i 350 ml proizvoda.Pakovanje je prelepo,a miris slatkast koji dugo ostaje na kozi.Lagane je strukture,koristila sam ga svakodnevno.Lepo hidrira kozu,brzo upija i razmazuje.Sto se tice proizvoda za ciscenje lice najvise sam koristila Garnier Micellar Cleansing gel wash.Skida i cisti lice poput magije.Jako sam se odusevila kako skida sminku sa ociju.Ne izaziva iritacije,a pogodan je za osetljivu kozu.O ovom proizvodu cu detaljno pisati.Kremu za ruke koju sam najvise koristila tokom ovog perioda je Balea Tropic Fun sa mirisom ananasa i marakuje.Prelep i intenzivan miris sa tako slatkim pakovanjem koji neodoljivo podseca na leto.Toliko mi je lepo pakovanje da ovu kremicu za ruke drzim na radnom stolu kao ukras.Pored divnog pakovanja i mirisa ova krema odlicno hidrira ruke i cini ih neznim.Sadrzi pantenol i si puter.Sve preporuke za ovu kremu.Mnoge maskice za lice sam isprobala u ovom periodu,a najveci utisak je ostavila ova Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining peel off face mask.Sadrzi ekstrakt crnog kavijara.Ono sto me je jako iznenadilo kod ove maske jeste cinjenica koliko malo proizvoda treba da se nanese ,sto nije slucaj sa svim peel off maskama.Lepo cisti lice cineci je mekom i blistavom.O ovoj maski za lice cu uskoro detaljno pisati.Sto se tice kremica za lice najvise sa koristila Avon Nutraeffects Radiance i Pantenol Cream-Gel.Kao dnevnu kremu koristila sam ovu pantenol kremicu,dok sam kao nocnu kremu koristila Avon Nuttraeffects kremu.Obe divno hidriraju kozu.Bas su mi prijale kad je bilo toplo vreme zbog svoje lagane strukture.O ovoj Avon kremici cu takodje pisati.
Products for skin care:
As the first product, I'd set aside Balea body lotion with the scent of fig and brown sugar. Contains little pump and 350 ml of product. The packaging is beautiful, and the smell of sweet, which stays on skin. The lightweight structure is, I've used it daily. Nice hydrates skin, fast absorbing and rub into the skin. As far as products for cleansing the face the most I used Garnier Micellar Cleansing gel wash. Removes and cleans the face like magic. I love how it takes off the makeup from the eyes.Does not cause irritation, and is suitable for sensitive skin. About this product I will write in detail. Hand cream that I use the most during this period is Balea Tropic Fun with the scent of pineapple and passion fruit. Beautiful and intense fragrance with such a cute packaging, which irresistibly reminded this summer. That's a nice package , I holding on my desk as a decoration. In addition to the beautiful packaging and flavor this cream hydrates your hands and makes them moist. Contains panthenol and shea butter. All recommendations for this cream.Many of mask for the face I have tried in this period, and the biggest impression left this Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining peel off face mask. Contains extract of black caviar. What made me very surprised at this mask is the fact how little of the product needs to be applied, which is not the case with all of the peel off masks. Nice clean face making is soft and radiant. About this face mask I will write in detail soon.As for the face with most creams used Avon Nutraeffects Radiance and Panthenol Cream-Gel, as a daily moisturizer I used this panthenol, while emollients as night cream I used this Avon Nuttraeffects cream. Both of their hydration from their beautiful skin. They go down well when it was hot weather due to its lightweight structure. About this Avon cream I'll write too.
Products for skin care:
As the first product, I'd set aside Balea body lotion with the scent of fig and brown sugar. Contains little pump and 350 ml of product. The packaging is beautiful, and the smell of sweet, which stays on skin. The lightweight structure is, I've used it daily. Nice hydrates skin, fast absorbing and rub into the skin. As far as products for cleansing the face the most I used Garnier Micellar Cleansing gel wash. Removes and cleans the face like magic. I love how it takes off the makeup from the eyes.Does not cause irritation, and is suitable for sensitive skin. About this product I will write in detail. Hand cream that I use the most during this period is Balea Tropic Fun with the scent of pineapple and passion fruit. Beautiful and intense fragrance with such a cute packaging, which irresistibly reminded this summer. That's a nice package , I holding on my desk as a decoration. In addition to the beautiful packaging and flavor this cream hydrates your hands and makes them moist. Contains panthenol and shea butter. All recommendations for this cream.Many of mask for the face I have tried in this period, and the biggest impression left this Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously Refining peel off face mask. Contains extract of black caviar. What made me very surprised at this mask is the fact how little of the product needs to be applied, which is not the case with all of the peel off masks. Nice clean face making is soft and radiant. About this face mask I will write in detail soon.As for the face with most creams used Avon Nutraeffects Radiance and Panthenol Cream-Gel, as a daily moisturizer I used this panthenol, while emollients as night cream I used this Avon Nuttraeffects cream. Both of their hydration from their beautiful skin. They go down well when it was hot weather due to its lightweight structure. About this Avon cream I'll write too.
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Balea body lotion/fig and brown sugar |
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Balea handcream Tropic Fun |
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Avon Nuttraeffects cream and Panthenol cream-gel |
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Avon Planet Spa Luxuriously refining peel-off face mask |
Makeup favoriti:
Omiljeni puder u ovom periodu (i dalje je) bio mi je Maybelline Fit me! liquid foundation.Ima srednju pokrivnu moc sa prirodnim mat efektom bas kako ja volim.Moj je u nijansi 120 Classic Ivory.Odlicno se blenda i nije tezak na licu.Namenjen je normalnoj ka masnoj kozi.Puder koji preporucujem svima.Jedno od otkrica godine sto se tice bronzera jeste ovaj Llums.U pitanju je Llums marbleized bronzer u nijansi 02 Amber.Koristila sam ga i kao bronzer i kao hightlighter.Divan proizvod ,lako se blenda i ostaje ceo dan na licu.Recenzija ovog bronzera Vas uskoro ocekuje na mom blogu.Pored ovog Llums bronzera kao hightlighter koristila sam ovu Essence My must haves eyeshadow.Ovo je senka za oci,ali pored toga ja sam je koristila i kao senku i kao hightlighter.Senka je u nijansi 10 Apricotta.Divna narandzasto-roze nijansa sa zlatnim simerom.Sto se tice maskara imam dva favorita.Prva je cuvena Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara,a druga je Miss Sporty Studio Lash 3D Volumythic mascara.Obe maskare daju divno izvijene i duge trepavice.Ova Too Faced maskara ce biti sigurno u favoritima godine.Detaljnije o njima cu pisati u posebnim recenzijama,jer to zaista zasluzuju.Poslednji favorit koji bih izdvojila je parfem Deeply Yours by Enrique Iglesias.Jaka vockasto-slatka mirisna nota.Obozavam ovaj parfem i njegovo divno i neobicno pakovanje.
Makeup favorites:
Favorite foundation in this period (and still is) is Maybelline Fit me! liquid foundation. It has medium covering power with a natural matte effect, just the way I like it. Mine's in the shades of 120 Classic Ivory. Perfect blends and is not hard on the face. It is intended for normal to oily skin. The foundation that I recommend to everyone. One of the revelations of the year as far as the bronzer is this Llums. It's a Llums marbleized bronzer in shade 02 Amber.I used it as a bronzer and as hightlighter. A wonderful product, easy to blend and stays all day on face. Reviews of this bronzer you expected soon on my blog. In addition to this Llums bronzer as a hightlighter I used this Essence My must haves eyeshadow. This is a eyeshadow, but other than that, I was using and as a shadow, and like a hightlighter. The shadow is in shade 10 Apricotta. Wonderful orange-pink hue with golden shimmer.As for mascara I have two favorites. The first one is the famous Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara, and the other is Miss Sporty Studio Lash 3D Volumythic mascara. Both mascara give the curly beautiful long lashes. This Too Faced mascara will be safe in my favorites of the year. More detailed about them I will write in special reviews, because that really deserve. The last favorites I would set aside the perfume Deeply Yours by Enrique Iglesias. Strong very fruity-sweet scented notes. I love this perfume and its wonderful and unusual packaging.
Favorite foundation in this period (and still is) is Maybelline Fit me! liquid foundation. It has medium covering power with a natural matte effect, just the way I like it. Mine's in the shades of 120 Classic Ivory. Perfect blends and is not hard on the face. It is intended for normal to oily skin. The foundation that I recommend to everyone. One of the revelations of the year as far as the bronzer is this Llums. It's a Llums marbleized bronzer in shade 02 Amber.I used it as a bronzer and as hightlighter. A wonderful product, easy to blend and stays all day on face. Reviews of this bronzer you expected soon on my blog. In addition to this Llums bronzer as a hightlighter I used this Essence My must haves eyeshadow. This is a eyeshadow, but other than that, I was using and as a shadow, and like a hightlighter. The shadow is in shade 10 Apricotta. Wonderful orange-pink hue with golden shimmer.As for mascara I have two favorites. The first one is the famous Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara, and the other is Miss Sporty Studio Lash 3D Volumythic mascara. Both mascara give the curly beautiful long lashes. This Too Faced mascara will be safe in my favorites of the year. More detailed about them I will write in special reviews, because that really deserve. The last favorites I would set aside the perfume Deeply Yours by Enrique Iglesias. Strong very fruity-sweet scented notes. I love this perfume and its wonderful and unusual packaging.
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Llums marbleized bronzer and Essence eyeshadow |
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Too Faced Better Then Sex mascara and Miss Sporty mascara |
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Maybelline Fit me foundation |
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Perfume Deeply Yours by Enrique Iglesias |
Ovo su moji favoriti jula,avgusta i septembra.Da li ste koristili neki proizvod koji sam navela?Kakvi su Vasi utisci i preporuke?This is my favorites for july,august and september.Whether you are is in use by some of these products?
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