Avon Clearskin tinted moisturiser review
март 29, 2017
Obozavam lagane tonirane kreme koje mi daju zdrav i svez izgled koze.Avon Clearskin toniranu kremu koristim vec duze vreme i moram reci da sam stekla samo pozitivne utiske.
I love light tinted moisturiser that give me a healthy and fresh looking skin. Avon Clearskin toned moisturiser I use for a long time and I must say that I got only positive impressions.
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Avon Clearskin tinted moisturiser |
Ova kremica sadrzi 30ml proizvoda,sto mislim da je sasvim dovoljno.Deo je linije Clearskin blemish clearing.Postoji u dve nijanse svetlija-Fair i tamnija-Medium.Ja koristim ovu tamniju nijansu-Medium.Nemojte misliti da ce Vam biti tamna,odlicno se prilagodjava tenu Vase koze.Cena ovog proizvoda je od 450-650 din zavisno od popusta.Mozete je pronaci u svakom Avon katalogu ili na njihovom sajtu avon.rs.Sadrzi 1,5 % salicilnu kiselinu i cajevac.Trenutno pokriva nepravilnosti,pomaze pri uklanjanju akni i njihovoj ponovnoj pojavi.Ne sadrzi ulja,daje mat efekat.Ima jako laganu strukturu.Jednom recju daje svez i zdrav izgled koze.Ovaj proizvod je dermatoloski ispitan i antialergijski.Nemam problematicnu kozu lica,a ova tonirana krema mi jako prija.Uopste me ne pecka,imam osecaj da mi je koza hidrirana.Posto ne sadrzi ulja,a daje mat efekat mislim da ce ova kremica odgovarati osobama sa masnom i problematicnom kozom lica koja je sklona pojavi akni.Koristim je svakodnevno.Odlicna je za svaki dan,za skolu i kada zelite svez i zdrav izgled koze.Necete dobiti pokrivnost vec cete ujednaciti ten.Ova kremica se nanosi posle dobrog ciscenja lica,u tankom sloju.Mozete je koristiti dva puta dnevno.Ukoliko zelite da smanjite upotrebu teskih pudera i da date svojoj kozi zdrav i svez izgled koze,ukoliko imate masnu i problematicnu kozu ova Avon Clearskin tonirana krema je moja preporuka.Ja je obozavam i kupicu je ponovo.
This tinted moisturiser contains 30 ml of product, which I think is more than enough. Part of the line Clearskin blemish clearing. There are two shades lighter-Fair and darker-Medium.I use this darker shades-Medium, do not think that this is going to be dark, well adjusted to complexion your skin. The price of this product is of 4-6 EUR depending on the discount. You can find in each Avon catalogue or on their website, avon.com.Contains 1.5% salicylic acid and tea tree. Currently it covers imperfections, helps in the elimination of acne and their reappearance. Contains no oils, gives matte effect. Has a very light structure. One word gives a fresh and healthy looking skin. This product is dermatologist tested and hypoallergenic. I don't have facial skin problems and this tinted moisturizer really I pleases. Not me tingle, I feel that my skin is hydrated. Since no contains oil, and gives a matte effect I think this tinted moisturiser match people with oily and problematic skin that is prone to acne appears. I use it daily.Great for every day, for school and when you want fresh and healthy looking skin. You will not get coverage,but you will equalize your complexion. This tinted moisturiser is applied after a good cleaning of the face, in a thin layer. You can use it twice a day. If you want to reduce the use of foundation and to give your skin a healthy and cool the skin, if you have oily and problematic skin this Avon Clearskin tinted moisturizer is my recommendation. I love her and I'll buy it again.
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