Review Aura cosmetic

фебруар 24, 2017

Jedan od omiljenih brenda šminke u Srbiji mi je Aura cosmetic.Cene su jako pristupačne,a kvalitet šminke  koji nude je odličan.Lično sam jako zadovoljna proizvodina koje sam koristila. Aurine proizvode možete pronaći u Srbiji i regionu.Imaju divan i jako korisan sajt ( )  na kome su sve  potrebne informacije.U današnjem postu ću Vam recenzirati četri Aurina proizvoda.

One of my favorite makeup brand in Serbia is Aura cosmetic. The prices are very affordable, and the quality of the makeup that they offer is great. Personally I am very pleased with the products that I use. Aura products can be found in Serbia and the region. Have a wonderful and very useful website ( where all the necessary information. In today's post I will review four products of Aura.

Aura proizvodi  (Aura products)

Aura Cover me puder:
Ovo je puder koji pokriva sve sa lica.Ako tražite takav puder onda ga obavezno probajte.Struktura pudera je malo gušća,ali se odlično nanosi na licu.Savršen  je za specijalne prilike, tj. kada Vam je potreban puder koji  će biti postojan do  24 sati.Cena pudera je od 700 do 800 dinara.Vodootporan je,Ne zatvara pore.Zaštitni faktor pudera je 20 što je zaista odlično.U ponudi se mogu naći 4 nijanse pudera.Pogodan je za sve tipove kože.Ja sam prezadovoljna ovim puderom i preporučujem svima da probaju.

Aura Cover me Foundation:
This foundation that covers everything from the face. If you are looking for such a foundation then you must try. Structure powder is a little thicker, but you can apply on your face. Perfect for special occasions when you need a foundation that will be stable up to 24 hours. Price foundation is from 700 800 RSD/ 5.58 6.38 EUR/ 6.27 7.16 USD. It's waterproof. Does not close the pores. SPF 20 foundation which is really awesome. In our offer you can find 4 shades of foundation . It is suitable for all skin types. I'm satisfied with this foundation and I recommend everyone to try it.
Aura cover me puder  (Aura cover me foundation)

Aura power veštačke trepavice:
Ove veštačke trepavice napravljene su od prirodne dlake, što ih čini jako laganim.Na očima su neprimetne,a opet daju trepavicama vizuelnu gustoću i dužinu.Nema osećaja bilo kakvog peckanja,težine na oku,jednom rečju za mene imaju ocenu 10.Ja često koristim Aura power lashes u broju 4 (Miaou,Miaou),koje daju oku prirodan izgled.Cena trepavica je 360 dinara.U ponudi Aure možete pronaći i lepak za veštačke trepavice u crnoj i providnoj boji po ceni od  350 dinara.

Aura power lashes:
These false eyelashes are made of natural hair, which makes them very light. The eyes are undetectable, and yet give lashes visual  thicknees and length. There is no sense of any burning, weight on the eye, one word for me are rated 10. I often use Aura power lashes at number 4 (Miaou Miaou,), which give the eye the natural look. The price of eyelashes is 360 RSD/2.87 EUR/3.22 USD. In our offer you can find Aura  glue for false lashes in black or  transparent color for the price of 350 RSD/2.79 EUR/3.13 USD.
Aura power vestacke trepavice (Aura power fake lashes)

Aura intensifier ajlajner:
Ovo je klasični crni ajlajner.Ima jako preciznu četkicu,a pigmentacija mu je odlična.Dugotrajan je.Lako se nanosi.Cena ajlajnera je 350 dinara.

Aura intensifier eyeliner:
This is a classic black eyeliner. There are very precise brush, and pigmentation is great. Long-lasting. It is easy to apply. The price of eyeliner is 350 RSD/2.79 EUR/3.13 USD.
Aura intensifer alajner (Aura intensifer eyeliner)

Aura četkica za blendanje senke:
Ovo je moja prva četkica za blendanje senke.Koristim je svakodnevno,i uopšte se nije promenila.Nijedna dlaka sa četkice nije pala.Odlično se pere,brzo suši i ne menja oblik.Cena četkice je 360 dinara.Sve pohvale i preporuke za ovu Aurinu četkicu.

The Aura brush for blending eyeshadows:
This is my first brush for blending eyeshadows. I use it daily, and it hasn't changed at all. None of the hair with a brush is not dropped. Great washes, dries quickly and does not change shape. The price is 360 RSD/2.87 EUR/3.22 USD.All praise and recommendations for this Aura brush.
Aura cetkica za blendanje senke (Aura blending brush)

Da li ste probali neke Aurine proizvode?Kakvi su Vaši utisci?
Have you tried some Aura products? What are Your impressions?

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