Review Velnea Wash Gel

јануар 16, 2017

Velnea je dobro poznat proizvod iz Lilly-а.Uvek biram preparate za negu i ciscenje koze lica koji ne sadrze alkohol.Zato sam i odlucila da isprobam ovaj Velnea Wash Gel.

Velnea is a well known product from Lilly-а. Always choose products for skin care and cleansing facial skin that does not contain alcohol. That's why i decided to try out this Velnea Wash Gel.

Velnea Wash Gel

Gel je providne boje,nalazi se u pakovanju od 150 ml i kosta oko 230 din.Ne sadrzi alkohol,parabene ni silikone.To je jako bitno u mom slucaju jer mi je koza lica jako osetljiva na proizvode koji sadrze alkohol.Moja preporuka je da uvek birate proizvode koji ne sadrze alkohol.Gel je namenjen svim tipovima koze lica,a dermatoloski je testiran za osetljivu kozu.Sadrzi alantoin,pantenol i ekstrakt kamilice.Alantoin je ekstrakt biljke gavez,koji umiruje iritiranu kozu,povecava vlaznost i glatkocu koze.Takodje,regenerise ,hidratise kozu i ima antiupalno dejstvo.Pantenol eleminise akne i bubuljice,hrani kozu,cini je zdravom i mekom.Ekstrakt kamilice ima antiupalno dejstvo.Ovaj gel koristim vec nedeljama i jako sam zadovoljna.Odlicno mi cisti sve necistoce i ostatke od sminke.Ne pecka me,ne isusuje mi kozu lica.Neguje,osvezava divno,a posle pranja lica imam prijatan osecaj na kozi.Koza mi je glatka i meka na dodir.Jako mi se dopada miris ovog gela,tako je osvezavajuc, mirise na cisto.Proizvod se nanosi na mokro lice,kruznim pokretima se utrljava u kozu i nakon toga se ispira.Gel koristim uz Avon-u cetku za ciscenje lica i efekat je super,daje odlicnu penu.Ovaj gel preporucujem svima,a ja cu ga obavezno kupiti kad se sadasnje pakovanje potrosi.

The gel is transparent colours, is located in the package of 150 ml and costs around 2 euro. Not contains alcohol, parabens or silicones. It is very important in my case because my skin is very sensitive to facial products that contain alcohol. My recommendation is to always choose products that do not contain alcohol. The gel is intended for all types of facial skin, a dermatologist tested for sensitive skin. Contains allantoin, panthenol and camomile extract. Allantoin is a plant extract, comfrey, which soothes the irritated skin, increases skin smoothness and climate. Also, he regenerates and moisturizes skin .Panthenol eleminate acne and pimples, nourishing skin, is healthy and soft. Chamomile extract has a anti-inflammatory effect. This gel I use for weeks now and am very pleased. Well we clean all the impurity  and the remains of makeup. No tingling, not drying my skin face. Nourishes, refreshes the wonderful, and after washing the face, I have a good feeling on the skin. Skin is smooth and soft to the touch. I really like the smell of this gel, it's so fresh, smells clean. The product is applied on wet face, circular movements are rubbed into the skin and then washing away. I use the gel with Avon-brush for cleaning the face and the effect is great, gives an excellent mousse. This gel I recommend to everyone, and I'll be sure to buy it when the present package use up.

Da li ste koristili Velnea Wash Gel ili neki drugi Velnea proizvod za ciscenje i negu lica?
Veliki pozdrav,

Do you  use Velnea Wash Gel or some other Velnea product for cleaning and care face?

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2 коментара

  1. Ja koristim taj gel i u pocetku me je koza peckala,a pritom imam osetljivu i kozu sklonu crvenilu. I posle nekoliko dana to peckanje je nestalo.

    1. Mom normalnom tipu koze je zaista odgovarao.Moguce je da ti neki sastojak ne odgovara,mada ne sadrzi alkohol koji meni zna da izazove peckanje na licu.Hvala sto si podelila svoje iskustvo!

