Klas revital silicone concentrate for hair | Review

октобар 18, 2018

Nega kose je neizostavni deo moje svakodnevne rutine.Pazljivo biram sve proizvode za kosu.Imam srece da mi je kvalitet kose jako dobar i da je gusta.Tako da je samo negujem i odrzavam dobar kvalitet.U tome mi veoma pomaze proiyvod o kom Vam pisem danasnju recenziju.U pitanju je Klas silikonski koncentrat za kosu.Verovatno se ga milion puta vidjali kod frizera.U nastavku posta procitajte sve detalje,moje utiske i samu recenziju.

Hair care is an indispensable part of my everyday routine. I carefully select all hair products. I have the luck that the very quality of the hair is very good and it is thick. So I only nurture and maintain good quality. In this, the product is very helpful to me I'm writing a review today. It's about Klas silicone concentrate for hair. It's probably been seen for a million times in a hairdresser. In the continuation of the post, read all the details, my impressions and my review.

Klas  revital silicone concentrate

Klas silikonski koncentrat se nalazi u staklenoj bocici sa pumpicom.Pumpica odlicno dozira kap po kap proizvoda.Sadrzi 30 ml proizvoda.Bezbojan,prelepog mirisa i srednje gustine.Sadrzi vitamin E.Cena ovog koncentrata je oko 600/700 RSD cesto je na raznim popustima.Mozete ga naci u svakoj Lilly i DM drogeriji gde sam ja i kupila.Koristim ga od jula.Sporo se trosi.Dosta mi je pomogao u hidrataciji vrhova kose.Daje divan sjaj kosi,potrebnu vlaznost kosi,popravlja ispucale vrhove.Pomogao mi je dosta pri rascesljavanju kose koji mi je veciti problem.Kosa mi izgleda zdravije,elasticnije,meko i svilenkasto pri dodiru.Hrani i hidrira kosu.Ovaj koncentrat obavija kosu tankim mikrofilmom,time zagladjuje ostecene kutikule i zatvara ih.Dovoljno je par kapi za potpuni efekat.Ja najcesce stavljam 1-2 kapi i sasvim mi je dovoljno.Mozete ga koristiti i na suvoj i na mokroj kosi.Ne ispira se.Jedino pazite da ne preterate sa kolicinom da Vam kosa ne izgleda slepljeno i masno.Nemam nista negativno da napisem za ovaj proizvod.Zaista j mnogo dobar.Preporucujem ga apsolutno svima,a narocito osobama sa suvom i jako ostecenom kosom.

Klas silicone concentrate is in a glass bottle with a pump. The pump is excellent in dosing the drop by drop of the product. Contain 30 ml of the product. Colorless, beautiful scent and medium density. Contain the vitamin E. The price of this concentrate is about 600/700 RSD is often at various discounts . You can find it in every Lilly and DM drugstore where I bought it. I've been using it since July. It's slowly spilling. It has helped me to hydrate the hair ends. It gives me a wonderful shine of hair, the necessary humidity, fixes the cracked ends. He helped me a lot when combing hair which is my  biggest  problem. My hair looks healthier, more elastic, soft and silky when touched. It nourish and hydrates the hair. This concentrate wraps the hair with a thin microfilm, thereby enveloping damaged hair and closing them. Just a few drops for a full effect . I usually put 1-2 drops and I am quite enough. You can use it both on dry and wet hair. It does not rinse. Be careful not to exaggerate with the amount that your hair does not look greasy. I do not have anything negative to say for this product. Really very good products. I recommend it absolutely to everyone, and especially to people with dry and heavily damaged hair.

Da li ste koristili ovaj Klas koncentrat za kosu?Koji je Vas omiljeni proizvod za kosu posebno za krajeve kose?
Have you used this Klas concentrate for hair? What is your favorite hair products especially for hair ends?


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